Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧), 夜四技-資五甲, Spring, 2013


* 6/12/2013: NeuroSolutions 類神經網路模擬介紹 (投影片連結)

* 4/24/2013: 分組報告的題目請盡速與老師討論與確定.

* 3/10/2013: Chapter 3: 基於規則的專家系統的不確定管理, 投影片已上傳, 請同學們自行下載.

* 3/14/2013: please download the template (at the bottom) for mid-term project!! We will discuss it in the next class.


組別 題目 報告日期

1 google translation 5/1

2 speech recognition (智能360) 5/1

3 Robot car 5/8

4 google識別貓臉的神經網路系統 5/8

5 Google driveless car 5/15

6 恆溫控制 5/15

7 人工智慧應用於遊戲軟體 5/22


6/15 101學年度畢業典禮

6/24~6/29 期末考試、成績輸入、繳交畢業班成績

* 17th class: 06/19/2013

Session 1: 人工神經網路小考

Session 2, 3: 課程回顧

* 16th class: 端午節(放假一天) 06/12/2013

* 15th class: Chapter 6: 人工神經網路(IV), 06/05/2013

Session 1: 人工神經網路(IV)

Session 2: NeuroSolutions: 類神經網路製作流程:

確認目標 -> 實驗與資料收集 -> 資料整理 -> 建立類神經網路模型 -> 神經網路訓練 -> 神經網路測試與分析 -> 網路結果評估 -> 網路應用

Session 3: NeuroSolution案例介紹: 台灣加權指數預測

* 14th class: Chapter 6: 人工神經網路(III), 05/29/2013

Session 1: 人工神經網路(III)

Session 2: Projects Review

Session 3: AI 影片教學: Learning Obstacle Avoidance by Example ( (有監督學習), Aquila running mutiple time-scales (有監督學習), Neural Network Demo (無監督學習/自組織學習)

* 13th class: Chapter 6: 人工神經網路(II), 05/22/2013

Session 1: 人工神經網路(II)

Session 2: 分組報告: 第七組

Session 3: Chapter 6: 人工神經網路(II), AI 影片教學: Neural Networks, A Simple Explanation Intro to Neural Networks Learning Obstacle Avoidance by Example

* 12th class: Chapter 6: 人工神經網路 , 05/15/2013

Session 1: Chapter 5: 基於框架的專家系統(Frame-based expert systems) (III)

Session 2: 分組報告: 第五組與第六組

Session 3: Chapter 6: 人工神經網路(I), AI 影片教學: Neural Networks, A Simple Explanation Intro to Neural Networks Learning Obstacle Avoidance by Example

* 12th class: Chapter 6: 人工神經網路

, 05/15/2013

Session 1: Chapter 5: 基於框架的專家系統(Frame-based expert systems) (III)

Session 2: 分組報告: 第五組與第六組

Session 3: Chapter 6: 人工神經網路(I), AI 影片教學: Neural Networks, A Simple Explanation Intro to Neural Networks Learning Obstacle Avoidance by Example


組別 題目 報告日期

1 google translation 5/1

2 speech recognition (智能360) 5/1

3 Robot car 5/8

4 google識別貓臉的神經網路系統 5/8

5 Google driveless car 5/15

6 恆溫控制 5/15

7 人工智慧應用於遊戲軟體 5/22

* 11th class: Chapter 5: 基於框架的專家系統 , 05/08/2013

Session 1: Chapter 5: 基於框架的專家系統(Frame-based expert systems) (II)

Session 2: 分組報告: 第三組與第四組

Session 3: AI 影片教學: The bionic hand with the human touch, Thoughts move bionic arm

* 10th class: Chapter 5: 基於框架的專家系統, 05/01/2013

Session 1: Chapter 5: 基於框架的專家系統(Frame-based expert systems) (I)

Session 2: 分組報告: 第一組與第二組

Session 3: Chapter 5: 基於框架的專家系統(Frame-based expert systems) (I)

* 9th class: Chapter 4: 模糊專家系統, 04/24/2013

Session 1: Chapter 4: 模糊專家系統 (I)

Session 2: 分組報告題目討論: search 'google glasses' in CNN video

Session 3: Chapter 4: 模糊專家系統 (II)

* 8th class: Chapter 3: 基於規則的專家系統的不確定管理, 04/17/2013

Session 1: Chapter 3: 基於規則的專家系統的不確定管理(I): 3.4-FORECAST-貝氏證據累積

Session 2: Watch movie: AI: Artificial Intelligence (ai人工智慧) - conclusion.

Session 3: Chapter 3: 基於規則的專家系統的不確定管理(II): 3.7-FORECAST-確定因數的應用

* 7th class: Chapter 2: Expert System (基於規則的專家系統), 04/10/2013

Session 1: Chapter 2: Expert System (III) - 2.7 實例:MEDIA ADVISOR

Session 2: Watch movie: AI: Artificial Intelligence (ai人工智慧)

Session 3: AI tool: iKnow , Move to Chapter 3: 基於規則的專家系統的不確定管理

* 6th class: Chapter 2: Expert System, 04/03/2013

Session 0: about 連續假期

Session 1: Chapter 2: Expert System (II)

Session 2: Chapter 2: Expert System (II)

Session 3: AI tool: iKnow

* 5th class: Chapter 2: Expert System, 03/27/2013

Session 0: mid-term: AI project report. final: AI 學習心得報告 or class note

Session 1: Chapter 2: Expert System (I)

Session 2: Chapter 2: Expert System (I)

Session 3: AI tool: iKnow

AI tools search: Are there open source expert systems with reasoning capabilities?

* 4th class: Introduction of Artificial Intelligence (基於知識的智慧系統導言), 03/20/2013

Session 1(第一節課): Introduction to AI: 機器學習,神經網路的再生

Session 2(第二節課): watch movie: AI: Artificial Intelligence (ai人工智慧)

Session 3(第三節課): discuss mid-term project template, topics and grouping.

* 3rd class: Introduction of Artificial Intelligence (基於知識的智慧系統導言), 03/13/2013

Session 1(第一節課): Introduction to AI: Expert System

Session 2(第二節課): watch movie: AI: Artificial Intelligence (ai人工智慧)

Session 3(第三節課): demo AI product: QPID; discuss mid-term project

* 2nd class: 基於知識的智慧系統導言, 03/06/2013

第一節課: Introduction to AI

第二節課: movie: ai人工智慧

第三節課: demo 3 AI tools, midterm? final? students midterm project

* 1th class: 基於知識的智慧系統導言, 02/27/2013

第一節課: 課程說明 與 Introduction to AI

第二節課: Turing Test (圖靈測試) by 艾倫·圖靈(Alan Turing). Try Android App: Speaktoit (Best-rated talking assistant for your smartphone. Answers questions, performs tasks, notifies.)

第三節課: AI影片教學: AI人工智慧 影片欣賞