
For years of consulting experience, I have summarized as follows:

Case I: 生物科技業最佳流程與實務經驗: Peptide/Functional Proteomics

How to model a flexible Bio-tech production processes from pre-fermentation, mix, post-fermentation, dry and pack considering daily shop floor control, product costing, profitability analysis and processes message collection.

Case II: 高科技業最佳流程與實務經驗: TFT/LCD/Notebook/LED

Cross Plants Planning between Taiwan plant (single supplying plant) and Mainland plants (multiple demanding plants) using the processes of Forecast Planning, Demand Planning, MRP, Shop Floor Control, Quality Control and Stock Transfer Order back to Mainland plants.

Case III: 傳統產業最佳流程與實務經驗: 石化/水泥/飼料/麵粉/畜牧

Process Industry for Petrochemical, Cement and Fertility: 研發配方管理

Discrete Industry for Flour and Meat Dismantle Processes: 聯產品/副產品

Repetitive Industry for Animal Breeding Processes: 飼養管理系統

Case IV: 零售業最佳流程與實務經驗: 餐飲連鎖與生鮮超市連鎖

Restaurant Chained Stores: Logistics processes from central kitchen to stores and mobile dining cars. Supermarket Chained Stores: Stores replenishment processes for flow through and cross docking processes; Integration between POS and Headquarter which generates Sales Information System.