
Feedback(意見回饋) Teaching Material (上課教材投影片)

*** Announcement (公佈欄)

2/25/2014, 生產管理: ERP軟體應用師 生管製造模組SAP --> 認證參考題型下載

To all my students, this is a place you can give me your feedback regarding my teaching style, content and schedule. Your feedback is crucial to me since I'd like to make the class more fun and students willing to come to class to learn. (所有修我課程的學生們,這裡提供一個地方讓你們對課程的設計、教學可以發表意見與回饋。你們的意見與回饋對我非常的重要,因為我想要讓學習課程變得更有趣,而且大家都願意來教室上課與學習!)

You can express your thought and idea with anonymity by clicking Interaction and feedback from my students

(可以以不具名方式提供教學意見,請點擊 師生互動與學生意見回饋

Department of Industrial engineering and Management at National Taipei University of Technology (國立台北科技大學)

Production Planning and Control (生產管理), 職二工三, 102學年度 第2學期, Spring, 2014

(使用教材: TERP10_3 企業資源規劃 生產製造模組 + SAP上機練習, 25位同學考取SAP生產製造模組證照)

Manufacturing Strategy (製造策略), 兩個班級: 進二工五乙+進二工四乙(合開), 職二工四+職二工五(合開), 102學年度 第1學期, Fall, 2013

Human Resources Management (人力資源管理), 職二工三, 101學年度 第2學期, Spring, 2013

Manufacturing Strategy (製造策略), 兩個班級: 進二工五甲 + 職二工五 (合開), 進二工五乙, 101學年度 第1學期, Fall, 2012

Department of Information Management at National Taipei University of Business (NTUB, 國立臺北商業大學)

Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧), 日四技-資四甲, Fall, 2014

Software Engineering (軟體工程), 夜四技-資四甲, Spring, 2014

Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧), 日四技-資四甲, Fall, 2013

Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧), 夜四技-資五甲, Spring, 2013

Software Engineering (軟體工程), 日四技-資三甲, Fall, 2012

國立台北護理健康大學 資訊管理系

Economics (經濟學), Fall, 2014

Technology Strategy (科技策略), Spring, 2014

Enterprise Resource Planning (企業資源規劃), Fall, 2013

(使用教材: ERP 企業資源規劃導論 第四版,11位同學考取中華企業資源規劃協會所頒發的 ERP規劃師證照)

Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧), Fall, 2013

Institute of Excellence, TOPCHURCH

TOEIC actual combat class: 10 weeks, 10 classes, 30 hours (8/20/2011 - 10/31/2011)

High Tech Electronic Industry

Collaborative Design (協同設計) (7/12/2006)

ERP Center Management School, National Central University

Financial Module - Account Payable (進階ERP規劃師培訓課程-財務會計模組) (8/14/2005)

Dept.of Industrial Engineering, Mingchi University of Technology

e-Business (電子商務): Internet Marketing/Security/Collaborative/Mobile Business/Payment Mechanism (9/2001 - 2/2002)

Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs (經濟部工業局)

1. Lecture: Supply Chain Management (6/28/2002, MiTAC)

- APO framework: GATP/Demand Planning/SNP/PP/DS

- B2B Procurement: RosettaNet Concept/PIPs/Process Model

- Case Study: Passive component/Notebook/Petrochemical industry

2. Lecture: Enterprise Resource Planning (7/8/2001)

3. Moving ERP to Collaborative Business: B-to-B Procurement

4. Production Planning and Control (AdvancedTek Inc., 4/23/2001)

HannStar Display Corporation

Lecture: Production Planning and Control (4/25, 5/16/2001)

SAP Taiwan

Lecture: Logistics Information System (LO930) (12/4, 12/5/2000)