
Steve has officially launched speech service for fall semester 2012.

Speech Titles

1. Moving RFID to Internet of Things (IoT): devices, machines and human beings. Agenda: <1> 物聯網概念應用於減重美容 <2> 感測鞋:手機示警防跌: 研發出使用感測鞋墊的「抗跌鞋」,可監測使用者步態,藉此矯正走路的不良姿勢,也可防止年長者跌倒 <3> 遠距居家安全照護系統: 節能, 安全, 醫療與定位的應用系統開發. All are developed by 台北科技大學機電所 物聯網技術研發中心.

2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Business Intelligence (BI): from understanding your customers to profiting on them. (顧客關係管理與商業智慧: 從了解客戶到從中獲利! Illustrated with SAP Best Practices)

3. Month-end financial close within one day: two best practices from Petrochemical and Paper Industry (一日結帳: 分享石化業造紙業所面臨的挑戰,成果與一日結所展現的優勢)

4. Integration of ERP with SCM, CRM, BI and PLM: a case study in SAP customers and their best practices

5. Academic Paper Writing:. How to package your industrial practical experiences into SCI papers?

6. Applying RFID on Raw Material Supply Chain Management – a case study in Paper Industry (RFID運用在原物料上的供應鏈管理 - 以紙業的原紙為例) (2) Industrial latest practices in RFID: International Group Tests RFID for Food Safety to Hawaii.

7. Turning IT into a Strategic Information System: an Asset Light approach in Paper & Packaging Industry

8. RFID Applications in Packaging Industry: an efficient tool to expedite Logistics Processes and comply with W-Mart’s RFID mandate requirements.

9. Any customized titles in the area of RFID, IoT, ERP, SCM, CRM, BI, PLM, Strategic Information System (SIS), e-Business and their best Business Processes.

Contact info: send mail to stevessschen at gmail dot com for more info.

Summary of speech Steve has done: Please check https://sites.google.com/site/stevessschen/speech.

Steve's 2012 island-wide speech tour: