
Summer of 89: celebrating SUNY/Buffalo 20 years reunion

The picture was taken in the farewell party the night before I left University of Bufflo in summer of 89.

From left: Laura?, Michael, Steve, Bob? and Joe? (Mike! help me out with names of those students consultants?)

Just like Bryan Adams' Summer of 69: ... those were the best days of my life ... On 4/19/2008, Paul Yung, my IE classmate, invited me for 20 years reunion of SUNY/Buffalo. My eyes were widely open!! It's so attractive and I should say 'It's irresistible' !!

I wrote an article to celebrate this event:

On 9/1/1989, after finishing M.S. in Industrial Engineering, I left Buffalo heading Chicago for another milestone. It was a sunny day. I said goodbye to Sam and his wife Shiu-O and went to Student Affair Center in North Campus for applying practical training. As I exited the revolving door, I saw Miss Wei passing me by saying to me that she saw the ad I posted in the Net indicating I was going to leave. I smiled at her without saying goodbye since I realized that 'Babe! The party was over and definitely we won't see each other any more!!"

Can't remember what was the mood I had in that morning! With full load of luggage on my Ford 1976 Granada and extraordinary memory with UB, I knew I had reached the milestone and got to leave. I left the campus and drove on Millersport Hwy, knowing I was going to leave the place where I lived, made friends with joy and sorrow and studied for two years, I felt so sad that I was crying with tears kept dropping!

When I was approaching I-290 that took me to the destination of Chicago, I was so shocked to notice that I was taking the same route as I took to arrived at UB two years ago. Slowly moving onto the ramp and memory kept popping up on the day I got to Buffalo, and now I was done the job with M.S. degree and was about to leave and wondering when I would come back again?! The ramp was too short that in no time I was on I-290 throwing all the UB memory behind and full speed heading west! Since then the question remained unsolved for the past two decades and every winter night, the memory kept coming back circling in the sweet dream!!

(see map below for I-290 and Millersport Hwy)

Steve's Friends of Summer of 89 @ SUNY/Buffalo

Dr. Lyons (my adviser @IE)

Sandy Peters (my boss @ACS)

Michael Mecca (student consultant@ACS)

Hiroko Hanamura (student consultant@ACS)

Paul Yung (classmate, Dept. of Industrial Engineering)

Chris Chi (classmate, Dept. of Industrial Engineering)

Sam (classmate, Dept. of Industrial Engineering)

Nancy (Chang, Ling-Li, LIS)

Chen, Li-Han (Dept. of Physics)

Lee, Fan-Tan (MBA)

Fred (roomate, Cobankiat, Frederick; MEA)

Chang, Shrsyung (roomate, SOCI)

... more coming soon ...