Who's Who of Jabba's Palace

A guide to Who's Who of Jabba's Palace.

Palace Patrons


Species: Weequay (male)

Homeworld: Sriluur

Occupation: Drummer, bodyguard

Status: Alive

Actor: David Gonzalez 

Extra: drummer for the Max Rebo band. Bodyguard for Jabba. In Legends, he was born an orphan and brought to a monastery and taught hand-to-hand combat on his homeworld.


Species: Amani (male)

Homeworld: Maridun

Occupation: Bounty hunter

Status: unknown

Puppeteer: Ailsa Berk

Extra: headhunter. Preferred to use traditional weapons over blasters.

Ardon " Vapor" Crell (Legends)

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: Tatooine?

Occupation: Moisture farmer

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: collected moisture farmer's money for Jabba for protection against Tusken Raiders. He was seen in Jabba's Palace and later Jabba's sail barge. It is unknown if he survived the battle.


Species: Hoover (male)

Homeworld: unknown

Occupation: Technician

Status: unknown

Puppeteer: unknown

Extra: Jabba's pet. Repaired weapons and gadgets for Jabba. The creature is not visible in Return of the Jedi.

Aved Luun (Legends)

Species: Jawa (female)

Homeworld: Tatooine

Occupation: Shaman, trader

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: In Legends, she was the mate of Chief Kalit and shaman for his tribe. 

Bane Malar

Species: unknown (male)

Homeworld: Kessel?

Occupation: Bounty hunter

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: specialized in tracking those who escaped the Spice Mines of Kessel. A natural telepath. Used the illicit substance glitterstim to enhance his abilities. Bane Malar was set to appear as a human skiff guard in Return of the Jedi, but was cut from the movie.


Species: Klatooinian (male)

Homeworld: Klatooine

Occupation: Mechanic, henchman

Status: KIA

Actor: Dirk Yohan Beer

Extra: took care of Jabba's repulsorlift vehicles. Skiff guard. One of the guards that escorted the rebel prisoners on a cargo skiff to the Great Pit of Carkoon. Slashed by Luke's lightsaber and fell into the sarlacc. 

Wears blue pants. Sometimes confused with another alien named Kithaba, that wears red pants. 


Species: Rodian (male)

Homeworld: Rodia (Legends)

Occupation: Bounty hunter 

Status: Alive

Actor: Marolyn Turk?

Extra: years earlier accompanied Jabba to Docking Bay 94 in Mos Eisley, where Jabba conversed with Han Solo. Cousin of Greedo. Vest used by Beedo was a costume reuse of a vest worn by female rebel personnel at Echo Base. 

Bib Fortuna

Species: Twi'lek (male)

Homeworld: Ryloth

Occupation: Majordomo (chief steward), chief of staff 

Status: KIA

Actor: Matthew Wood (TPM), Michael Carter (ROTJ), Erik Bauersfeld (voice)

Extra: oversaw the Boonta Eve Classic podrace with Jabba years ago. Fortuna continued as Jabba's right-hand-man at Jabba's Palace when Rebels attempted to rescue Han Solo in carbonite. Assumed control of Jabba's Palace as a crime lord after Jabba's death before being killed by Boba Fett.

Boba Fett

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: Kamino

Occupation: Bounty hunter 

Status: Alive

Actor: Daniel Logan (Attack of the Clones), Mark Austin (A New Hope SE), Jeremy Bulloch (Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi), John Morton (backup), Don Bies (Return of the Jedi SE)

Extra: an unaltered clone of Jango Fett, Boba Fett was active as a bounty hunter during the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War. Was successful in tracking down the Millennium Falcon for Vader, later delivering Solo in carbonite to Jabba. Fett was believed to have been killed after falling into the sarlacc at the Great Pit of Carkoon, but survived to live another day.

B'omarr Monks

Species: various

Homeworld: various

Occupation: Monk

Status: Alive

Puppeteer: unknown

Extra: enlightened monks had their brains placed in nutrient-filled jars. Spider-like droid walkers (modified BT-16s in Legends) were used for transportation of these monks.


Species: Trandoshan (male)

Homeworld: Trandosha

Occupation: Bounty hunter

Status: Alive

Actor: Alan Harris, Trevor Butterfield (backup)

Extra: Active during the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War. One of a group of bounty hunter's hired by Vader to track down the Millennium Falcon a year earlier. Was seen in the background of Jabba's Palace and later his sail barge. Escaped the destruction of the sail barge. 

Brock Starsher

Species: unknown (male?)

Homeworld: unknown

Occupation: Guard

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: skiff guard who manned one of the two skiffs at the Great Pit of Carkoon. He was knocked off the skiff during battle by Luke Skywalker, after Luke leaped aboard. Wore the same helmet prop as Doallyn.

Bron Burs (Legends)

Species: unknown (male)

Homeworld: Nentan

Occupation: former Rebel Alliance commando

Status: unknown

Actor/Puppeteer: N/A

Extra: expert marksman and occasionally worked with Debnoli. He was attuned to the force to a degree. His character was based on an alien  maquette design that was cut from the final version of Return of the Jedi.

Buboicullaar (Bubo)

Species: Frog-dog (male)

Homeworld: Tatooine (Legends)

Occupation: Bodyguard

Status: Alive

Actor/Puppeteer: Franki Anderson

Extra: Jabba's pet and guard dog. The alien Ree-Yees looked after the creature.

Cane Adiss

Species: Yuvernian (male)

Homeworld: Yuvern (Legends)

Occupation: Pilot, smuggler 

Status: unknown

Puppeteer: unknown

Extra: In Legends, he smuggled spice for Jabba. He was present aboard Jabba's sail barge, but its unknown if he escaped death.


Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: Corellia

Occupation: Bounty hunter

Status: Alive

Actor: Morris Bush

Extra: active during the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War. Hired by Vader to track down the Millennium Falcon before ending up at Jabba's Palace. Continued work as a bounty hunter after the Battle of Endor.


Species: Geranite (male)

Homeworld: Geran

Occupation: Hunter

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: attempted to intercept both Leia in disguise and Chewbacca from entering the court room at Jabba's Palace, but was thrown at a wall at the base of the stairs by Chewbacca. Wore black clothing and helmet. 

Ephant Mon

Species: Chevin (male)

Homeworld: Vinsoth

Occupation: Head of security

Status: Alive

Actor/Puppeteer: Andy Cunningham

Extra: former mercenary. Later worked at Masse Goskey's Arms Emporium and Explosives Mart in Mos Eisley before being employed by Jabba. Supposedly did not accompany Jabba on his sail barge.


Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: unknown

Occupation: Guard, spy

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: In Legends, he was an Imperial spy assigned to keep tabs on Jabba. He was later seen on Jabba's sail barge, but it is unknown if he survived its destruction.

Gailid (Legends)

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: unknown

Occupation: Tax collector, Guard

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: In Legends, he was the assistant to Mosep. He was killed by Luke's lightsaber attack while aboard a skiff over the Sarlacc beast.


Species: Gamorrean (male)

Homeworld: Gamorr

Occupation: Guard

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: In Legends, he had a knack for coming across murdered bodies in the palace. Did not travel with Jabba and company to the Great Pit of Carkoon. Later left Tatooine and worked for a smuggling ring.*


Gauron Nas Tal

Species: Saurin (male)

Homeworld: Tatooine (Legends)

Occupation: Combat trainer

Status: KIA (Legends)

Actor: unknown

Extra: disliked Jabba. In Legends, he was hired to keep the Gamorrean guards in shape. He was on Jabba's sail barge during the battle over the Great Pit of Carkoon.


Species: Snivvian (male)

Homeworld: Cadomai Prime

Occupation: Scout 

Status: KIA (Legends)

Actor: Peter Allen

Extra: seen in the background of the palace, he later traveled on board Jabba's sail barge to view the executions of Luke and his allies.

Ghana Gleemort

Species: Gamorrean (male)

Homeworld: Gamorr

Occupation: Guard

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: present in Jabba's court room when Rebel Alliance members arrived to rescue Han Solo.


Species: Wol Cabasshite (male)

Homeworld: Wol Cabassh

Occupation: unknown

Status: Alive

Puppeteer: Mike Quinn

Extra: while in Jabba's Palace, he rarely moved and clung to walls, rafters, and arches of the audience chamber.


Species: Kadas'sa'Nikto (male)

Homeworld: Kintan

Occupation: Beast handler assistant

Status: KIA (Legends)

Actor: Trevor Butterfield, Colin Hunt?, Ernie Fosselius (voice)

Extra: worked alongside the human beast handler Malakili. 

Harc Seff

Species: Ishi Tib (male)

Homeworld: Tatooine (Legends)

Occupation: Accountant

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: In Legends, he worked for many planetary governors before arriving on Tatooine. Experienced administrator and freelance consultant.

Harc Seff first appeared in Jabba's Palace for the Special Edition re-release of Return of the Jedi.

Herat (Legends)

Species: Jawa (female)

Homeworld: Tatooine

Occupation: Shaman, advisor

Status: Alive

Actor: Andy Herd?

Extra: a member of Wittin's tribe. In Legends, she helped Leia and Han locate a moss painting years after the Battle of Endor.

Hermi Odle

Species: Baragwin (male)

Homeworld: Tatooine (Legends)

Occupation: Weapon specialist, armorer

Status: KIA

Actor: Phil Herbert

Extra: helped craft the defenses of Jabba's Palace. In Legends, he took up residence on Tatooine after his ship was shot down by an Imperial patrol. 

Jabba the Hutt

Species: Hutt (male)

Homeworld: Tatooine, Nal Hutta

Occupation: Crime lord

Status: KIA

Puppeteers: Toby Philpott, David Barclay, and Mike Edmonds. Larry Ward (voice)

Extra: controlled the bulk of piracy and trafficking that generated most of Tatooine's wealth. He was the reigning crime lord in the Outer Rim. Jabba presided over the Boonta Eve Classic podrace years before hiring Solo for his operations.


Species: Human (female)

Homeworld: Tatooine

Occupation: Musician, performer

Status: Alive

Actor: Amanda Noar

Extra: lived in Mos Espa before becoming a servant to Jabba. Often seen with Bib Fortuna. She secretly dreamed of killing Jabba and escaping. Hid in the palace to avoid going on Jabba's sail barge. She later escaped by speeder bike to Mos Espa.


Species: Whiphid (male)

Homeworld: Toola

Occupation: Bounty hunter

Status: Alive

Actor: Tim Dry

Extra: worked as a spy for the rival crime boss Valarian to kill Jabba. A bounty was later placed on him when he failed to kill Jabba. Unable to leave Tatooine, he joined the B'omarr Order of monks.


Species: Gamorrean (male)

Homeworld: Gamorr

Occupation: Guard

Status: KIA

Actor/Puppeteer: Simon Williamson

Extra: fell through a trap door into the rancor pit with Luke Skywalker after Luke used the force to grab a blaster from a patron. He was killed by the rancor.


Species: Jawa (male)

Homeworld: Tatooine

Occupation: Chief, trader

Status: unknown

Actor: Andy Herd

Extra: In Legends, his tribe consisted of Aved Luun, Iasa, and Thedit. At some point, he requested Jabba to mediate a settlement between himself and his rival, Wittin.


Species: Klatooinian (male)

Homeworld: Klatooine

Occupation: Guard

Status: KIA

Actor: Dirk Yohan Beer

Extra: one of the five guards assigned on the skiff that carried the rebel prisoners to the Great Pit of Carkoon. Was the first guard to be knocked off the skiff. Eventually eaten by the sarlacc.


Species: Kadas'sa'Nikto (male)

Homeworld: Kintan

Occupation: Mechanic

Status: KIA

Actor: Corey Dee Williams, John Simpkin?

Extra: Barada's assistant working off a large gambling debt to Jabba. He repaired Jabba's skiffs. Killed aboard Jabba's sail barge.


Species: Kajain'sa'Nikto (male)

Homeworld: Kintan

Occupation: Information broker*, guard

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: one of the few Nikto that wasn't a slave to Jabba. Wanted to leave Tatooine to see what the galaxy had to offer.


Laudica (Legends)

Species: Human (female)

Homeworld: Corellia

Occupation: Gun-runner/smuggler

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: developed a good reputation for her skills as a sniper. She was good friends with other criminals, including Brindy Truchong and the Tonnika sisters.

Leslomy Tacema (Legends)

Species: Duros (female)

Homeworld: Duro

Occupation: Pilot

Status: unknown

Actor: Stacy Chergotis

Extra: helped run docking bay facilities in Mos Eisley. In Legends, she was friends with Ellorrs Madak (Ohwun De Maal).

Loje Nella

Species: Riorian (female)**

Homeworld: Rior

Occupation: Accountant to Mosep*

Status: unknown

Puppeteer: Mike Quinn

Extra: an intelligent cliffborer worm. In Legends, the species was considered at one point Rutanian. 

**Species canon per Every Alien Species in the Original Trilogy |Star Wars By the Numbers


Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: Corellia, Tatooine

Occupation: Beastmaster, caretaker

Status: Alive

Actor: Paul Brooke, Ernie Fosselius (voice)

Extra: stayed at Jabba's Palace while Jabba left to witness the execution of rebels at the Great Pit of Carkoon. After Jabba's death, he later left the palace and eventually opened a restaurant in Mos Eisley with Jabba's former head chef.

Max Rebo Band

Members (from left to right): 

Doda Bodonawieedo (plays slitherhorn, Rodian (male), Alive, played by Nelson Hall),

Barquin D'an (plays Kloo horn, Bith (male), Alive, played by Don Bies), 

Joh Yowza (singer, Yuzzem (male), Alive),

Rappertunie (plays a Growdi Harmonique, Shawda Ubb (male), Alive, puppeteer Danny Wagner), 

Sy Snootles (lead singer, Pa'lowick (female), Alive, original movie version puppeteer Tim Rose), 

Rystáll Sant (singer and dancer, Human-Theelin hybrid (female), Alive (Legends), played by Mercedes Ngoh), 

Greeata Jendowanian (singer and dancer, Rodian (female), Alive (Legends), played by Celia Fushille-Burke), 

Lyn Me (singer and dancer, Twi'lek (female), Alive (Legends), played by Dalyn Chew), 

Max Rebo (2nd picture, leader of band, plays a red ball jett organ, Ortolan (male), Alive, played/puppeteered by Simon Williamson and two additional puppeteers), 

Droopy McCool (2nd picture, lead horn player (Chindinkalu flute), Kitonak (male), Alive, played by Deep Roy in the original movie version, unknown for the Special Edition version)

*Ak-rev and Umpass-stay (drummers, not shown above) have their own entries in this guide.

Mosep Binneed

Species: Nimbanel (male)

Homeworld: Nimban

Occupation: Accountant

Status: Alive

Actor: Richard Bonehill (ROTJ)

Extra: spent time in Mos Eisley before appearing in Jabba's Palace. He worked for the crime lord Sturg Ganna thirty years later.

Murttoc Yine (Legends)

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: unknown

Occupation: Information broker

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: had many contacts in the criminal underworld. Seen in the background of Jabba's Palace.

Nizuc Bek

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: Corulag (Legends)

Occupation: Guard

Status: KIA (Legends)

Actor: unknown

Extra: hired to guard celebrities visiting the palace. Bek's DL-18 blaster was pulled from his hands by the force for use by Luke Skywalker.


Species: Kajain'sa'Nikto (male)

Homeworld: Kintan

Occupation: Guard

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: present aboard Jabba's sail barge. He was struck across the chest by Luke Skywalker's lightsaber during battle.


Species: Twi'lek (female)

Homeworld: Ryloth

Occupation: Dancer

Status: KIA

Actor: Femi Taylor

Extra: daughter of a chieftain. Devoted herself to dancing and trained at a celebrated school. Ended up a slave to Jabba years later.

Ortugg (Legends)

Species: Gamorrean (male)

Homeworld: Gamorr

Occupation: Guard

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: In Legends, he was known as "Axe-wielder" and worked with fellow guard Rogua. He was the leader of the Gamorrean guards at the palace. Later killed when Jabba's sail barge exploded.

Pagetti Rook 

Species: Weequay (male)

Homeworld: Sriluur 

Occupation: Guard

Status: KIA

Actor: Peter Diamond

Extra: one of five guards assigned on the skiff that carried the rebel prisoners to the Great Pit of Carkoon. 

Palejo Reshad (Legends)

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: Corellia

Occupation: Spice trader

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: secretly funded the Rebel Alliance. In Legends, he worked for Shalera the Hutt years before working for Jabba. Seen behind Jabba in the palace.

Pote Snitkin

Species: Skrilling (male)

Homeworld: Agriworld-2079

Occupation: Arms dealer, pilot

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: piloted a skiff full of Jabba's guards. During the battle at the Great Pit of Carkoon, he was knocked from the skiff and fell into the mouth of the Sarlacc.

Pucumir Thryss (Legends)

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: Bespin

Occupation: unknown, former Tibanna gas miner

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: In Legends, fled Bespin Cloud City where he was one of the Rebel's contacts before the Empire took it over. 

Rayc Ryjerd (Legends)

Species: Bimm (male)

Homeworld: Bimm

Occupation: Smuggler

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: son of the trader Rycar. Worked for Jabba to pay off debt. Present aboard Jabba's sail barge, but is unknown if he escaped its destruction.


Species: Gran (male)

Homeworld: Kinyen

Occupation: Caretaker

Status: KIA

Actors/Puppeteers: Richard Bonehill, Paul Springer, and Mike Quinn 

Extra: exiled thief. Caretaker for Jabba's pet Bubo. In Legends, he along with Tessek, conspired to assassinate Jabba, but failed. Was present aboard Jabba's sail barge, where he was killed in its explosion.

Rennek (Legends)

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: unknown

Occupation: Nerf herder

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: herded Jabba's nerfs. Was present in Jabba's audience chamber standing behind Jabba's throne. In legends, he was a lethal combatant. 

Revidjasa (Legends)

Species: Rodian (male)

Homeworld: Rodia

Occupation: unknown, former crimelord

Status: unknown, Alive (Legends)

Actor: unknown

Extra: played a pair of slot machines with Beedo when R2-D2 and C-3PO entered Jabba's court room. During the performance of the Max Rebo Band, he was seen in the background near Bib Fortuna.

Rintel Aren

Species: Weequay (male)

Homeworld: Sriluur

Occupation: Pilot, guard

Status: KIA

Actor: Julius LeFlore

Extra: one of five guards, along with Pagetti Rook, assigned to escort the rebel prisoners on a cargo skiff to the Great Pit of Carkoon. He was struck by Luke's lightsaber and fell into the sarlacc.

R'kik D'nec (Legends)

Species: Jawa (male)

Homeworld: Tatooine

Occupation: Trader

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: In Legends, he was known as the "Hero of the Dune Sea" based on tales of him encountering Tusken Raiders, Banthas, and a Krayt Dragon. 

Rogua (Legends)

Species: Gamorrean (male) 

Homeworld: Gamorr

Occupation: Guard

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: one of the nine Gamorrean guards working for Jabba. Guarded the main entrance of the palace with Ortugg. Later went along with Jabba on the sail barge to the Great Pit of Carkoon.


Species: Yarkora (male)

Homeworld: unknown Outer Rim desert world

Occupation: Merchant, informant

Status: unknown, Alive (Legends)

Actor: Sean Crawford

Extra: nicknamed Yak Face. Would pose as a merchant and uncover plots against Jabba. In Legends, he was an informational broker that sold sensitive information to the Rebel Alliance and Empire. Trickster.

Salacious B. Crumb 

Species: Kowakian monkey-lizard (male)

Homeworld: Kowak

Occupation: Jester

Status: KIA

Puppeteer: Tim Rose, Mark Dodson (voice)

Extra: found stowed on Jabba's starship years before Solo was rescued by members of the Rebel Alliance. As long as Crumb could amuse Jabba, he could eat and drink as much as he wanted. If he failed to amuse Jabba at least once a day, he would be killed. Only loyal to Jabba.

Shasa Tiel

Species: Ishi Tib (female)

Homeworld: Tibrin

Occupation: Accountant

Status: unknown

Puppeteer: Andy Cunningham

Extra: In Legends, she formerly worked for SoroSuub Corporation. Worked under Mosep, and alongside Tessek and Loje. Was later present on Jabba's sail barge.


Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: unknown

Occupation: Guard

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: former speeder thief. Saved from execution for stealing a podracer from Black Sun. Worked for the Hutt Cartel, and killed after being kicked into the sarlacc pit by Luke Skywalker.

Snipp Nkik (Legends)

Species: Jawa (male)

Homeworld: Tatooine

Occupation: Trader

Status: unknown

Actor: Brian Wheeler

Extra: member of the Nkik clan, which included Het and Jek Nkik.

Tanus Spijek 

Species: Elom (male)

Homeworld: Elom

Occupation: Spy

Status: unknown

Actor: Graeme Hattrick

Extra: spy and messenger for the Rebel Alliance. It is unknown if he survived the battle at the Great Pit of Carkoon while aboard Jabba's sail barge. 

Taym Dren-garen

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: Tatooine (Legends)

Occupation: Henchman

Status: KIA

Actor: Larry Holt

Extra: In Legends, he was assigned by Jabba to provoke skirmishes between settlers and Tusken Raiders, so authorities would be unable to focus on Jabba's criminal activities. During the battle on Jabba's sail barge, he shot Luke in the hand while on the front deck.


Species: Quarren (male)

Homeworld: Mon Cala

Occupation: Accountant

Status: Alive

Actor: Gerald Home

Extra: embezzled Jabba's money into his own accounts. Secretly plotted to assassinate Jabba and take over his criminal empire. Escaped Jabba's sail barge before its destruction. In Legends, he was forcibly recruited by the B'omarr Monks after Jabba's death.

Thul Fain (Legends)

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: unknown

Occupation: Pilot, smuggler

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: In Legends, served as a pilot in the Empire before the Battle of Yavin. He later left the service and was seen at Jabba's Palace years later. As a gambler, he betted on how long victims would survive Jabba's rancor. 

Hard to find background character in Jabba's Palace. Image above is a modified image from Star Wars CCG. Unknown if he was on Jabba's sail barge.


Species: Gamorrean (male)

Homeworld: Pzob (Legends)

Occupation: Guard

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: served as one of Jabba's guards, alongside fellow guard Thug. Was killed by Luke during the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon. In Legends, he was the brother of Gorc, a force-sensitive, who was sold out to the Empire and later mutated into a Sithspawn.


Species: Gamorrean (male)

Homeworld: Gamorr

Occupation: Guard

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: one of the nine Gamorrean guards in Jabba's Palace. Often partnered with fellow guard Thok.


Species: Klatooinian (male)

Homeworld: Klatooine, Shawti (Legends)

Occupation: Drummer, bodyguard

Status: Alive 

Actor: Miles V. Fawkes 

Extra: drummer for the Max Rebo band. Did not go with Jabba on his sail barge and fled the palace after his death, along with Ak-rev. In Legends, he was born into slavery and worked for Shebba the Hutt. Later worked for Jocoro the Hutt on the planet of Du Hutta after Jabba's death.


Species: Kajain'sa'Nikto (male)

Homeworld: Kintan

Occupation: Skiff pilot

Status: KIA

Actor: Paul Weston

Extra: piloted the skiff carrying the rebel prisoners. Fought Lando in disguise on board a skiff during the battle over the Great Pit of Carkoon. He fell over into the Sarlacc beast after a laser projectile hit the skiff.

Velken Tezeri

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: unknown

Occupation: Guard, arms dealer

Status: KIA

Actor: Larry Holt

Extra: one of five guards assigned on the skiff that carried the rebel prisoners to the Great Pit of Carkoon. Fell into the sarlacc.


Species: Kajain'sa'Nikto (male)

Homeworld: Kintan

Occupation: Henchman, weapons master

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: was present at Jabba's Palace and later aboard Jabba's sail barge at the battle above the Great Pit of Carkoon. During the battle, he fired upon a skiff carrying Lando. He was later killed by Luke Skywalker.

Vul Tazaene (Legends)

Species: Kiffar (male)

Homeworld: Kiffex

Occupation: Security officer

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: was on the lookout for the Tonnika sisters. He accompanied Jabba on his sail barge to the Great Pit of Carkoon.

Wam Lufba

Species: Yuzzum (male)

Homeworld: Endor

Occupation: Exterminator

Status: Alive

Puppeteer: none*

Extra: Left the moon of Endor on a visiting starship. Was tricked into working as a pest exterminator for Jabba. In Legends, he served another patron, Pote Snitkin. He went on various smuggling runs until Snitkin's later death.

*mounted onto the wall of the Jabba's Palace film set

Weeba Weeba (Legends)

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: unknown

Occupation: Beast handler assistant

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: shoved Luke out of the Rancor pit after the Rancor's demise.


Species: Jawa (male)

Homeworld: Tatooine

Occupation: Warlord

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: In Legends, his tribe profited from robbing travelers and plundering moisture farms. He owned a B1 battle droid. Was killed in the sail barge explosion at the battle over the Great Pit of Carkoon.


Species: Kadas'sa'Nikto (male)

Homeworld: Kintan

Occupation: Henchman, former smuggler

Status: KIA

Actor: Mike Stevens

Extra: in charge of Jabba's skiffs. Killed by Luke Skywalker during the battle over the Great Pit of Carkoon. Originally named Klaatu during production. 

Yarna d'al' Gargan

Species: Askajian (female)

Homeworld: Askaji

Occupation: Dancer

Status: Alive

Actor: Claire Davenport

Extra: daughter of a tribal chief on her homeworld. Captured by slavers and sold to Jabba. Worked alongside Oola. Escaped the palace after Jabba's death.

Yotts Orren

Species: Kadas'sa'Nikto (male)

Homeworld: Kintan

Occupation: Guard, smuggler

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: was aboard one of Jabba's skiffs with Pote Snitkin during the battle over the Great Pit of Carkoon.


Species: Ugnaught (male)

Homeworld: Bespin (Legends)

Occupation: Security*, former seller of Tibanna gas

Status: KIA (Legends)

Actor: unknown

Extra: Seen in the background of Jabba's Palace. Went with Jabba aboard his sail barge to the Great Pit of Carkoon. In Legends, he was in charge of Jabba's security systems under Hermi Odle and to keep an eye out for his rivals, Pote Snitkin and Wam Lufba.



Species: Sic-Six

Homeworld: Sisk (Legends)

Occupation: unknown

Status: unknown

Puppeteer: unknown

Extra: was cut from the final film.

"Alien 19"

Species: Makurth

Homeworld: Moltok

Occupation: unknown

Status: unknown

Puppeteer: unknown

Extra: one of the alien maquette designs that was cut from Return of the Jedi.

Unnamed Jabba's Palace Patrons

unnamed henchman

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: unknown

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

unnamed henchman 2

Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: unknown

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

Extra: cut from the final film. Only visible in behind-the-scenes footage.

unnamed patron

Species: Human (female)

Homeworld: unknown

Occupation: unknown

Status: unknown

Actor: unknown

unnamed Weequay 1

Homeworld: Sriluur

Occupation: Guard

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: was on Jabba's sail barge and thrown out of the window during battle by Luke Skywalker.

unnamed Weequay 2

Homeworld: Sriluur

Occupation: Guard

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: was on Jabba's sail barge and cut down by Luke Skywalker's lightsaber during battle.

Last modified: 1/2024 (new entry)