Who's Who of Cloud City

A guide to Who's Who of Cloud City.

Cloud City Personnel and Imperial Officers

Cpt. Bewil

Homeworld: Dentaal (Legends)

Status: Alive

Actor: Milton Johns

Extra: tactical officer. Informed Darth Vader that Luke's X-wing had arrived at Cloud City.

Cpt. Jerrol Blendin (Legends)

Homeworld: Bespin

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: Bespin Wing Guard. In Legends, he was corrupt and was known for his intimidation to keep the peace.

Lando Calrissian

Homeworld: Socorro

Status: Alive

Actor: Billy Dee Williams

Extra: Baron Administrator of Cloud City. Later became a general in the Rebel Alliance.

Jann Derem (Legends)

Homeworld: Uyter

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: Wing Guard. Escorted Lando when Lando visited the incarcerated Chewbacca.

Cmdr. Desanne (Legends)

Homeworld: Kalist VI

Status: Alive

Actor: Patrick Ginter

Extra: In Legends, he was stripped of most of his official duties due to a political blunder. He was regulated to shuttling dignitaries and high-ranking officials.

SGT Isdam Edian

Homeworld: Bespin (Legends)

Status: Alive

Actor: Quentin Pierre

Extra: Wing Guard that was loyal to the Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian. Disdained corrupt guards who took bribes. Escorted Han Solo in carbonite with SGT Merril to Boba Fett's ship.

Gir Endac (Legends)

Homeworld: Mexeluine

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: Bespin Wing Guard who helped Lando ambush an Imperial unit led by Lt. Sheckil.


Species: Human (male)

Homeworld: unknown

Status: Alive (currently*)

Actor: unknown

Extra: served in the Empire's 501st Legion. Escorted Darth Vader to Cloud City. Was present during Han Solo's interrogation on Cloud City.

*killed later on Endor

Grugnak (Legends)

Species: Ugnaught (male)

Homeworld: Bespin

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: helped the Rebels during the Imperial occupation.

Hapnix (Legends)

Species: Ugnaught (male)

Homeworld: Bespin 

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: walked the Cloud City corridors with Lee Phenets, Yoxgit, Grugnak, and Ugloste when Lando invited his guests to dine with him.

Duncan Hikmat (Legends)

Homeworld: Stobar

Status: Alive

Actor: N/A

Extra: cloud car pilot and Wing Guard. He co-piloted one of the twin-pod cloud cars that escorted the Millennium Falcon to Bespin Cloud City.

Corman Jeihn (Legends)

Homeworld: Calabosh-2

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: Wing Guard. In Legends, he served as a security guard for a weapons manufacturing company on his homeworld before moving to Bespin after the Empire took it over. One of the guards that accompanied Lando and his aide Lobot when greeting Lando's old friends. Later helped ambush an Imperial unit led by Lt. Sheckil. 


Homeworld: Bespin

Status: Alive

Actor: John Hollis

Extra: worked for the Empire, where he gained his cyborg implant, before joining the smuggler Lando. Lost his mind to the device after being gravely injured during the theft of the Emperor's personal yacht.

Fin Mak'lath (Legends)

Homeworld: Athallia

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: Served as a police officer on his homeworld until his wife's death. He later joined the Bespin Wing Guard.

Alec Mard (Legends)

Homeworld: Zhanox

Status: Alive

Actor: Alan Austen 

Extra: one of the most loyal members of the Bespin Wing Guard. Actor Alan Austen appeared in promotional photos for The Empire Strikes Back, but its unclear if he ever was seen onscreen.

Fantes Mer'darro (Legends)

Homeworld: Balosar

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown 

Extra: Wing Guard. Mer'darro's antenna, which was retractable, was hidden under his cap to detect suspicious activity in Cloud City's many casinos.

SGT Bislav Merril (Legends)

Homeworld: Bespin 

Status: Alive

Actor: Alan Harris

Extra: Veteran of the Clone Wars. Known as the most tyrannical members of the Wing Guard. Escorted Han Solo in carbonite to Boba Fett's ship.

Utris M'Toc (Legends)

Species: Imzig (male)

Homeworld: Couronne

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: Wing Guard leader. Former member of the High King's Guard on his homeworld, he moved to Bespin after a coup. He was known to never take a bribe. His scenes in The Empire Strikes Back were never filmed and appears only in a production still.

Allen Neff (Legends)

Homeworld: Ertegas

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: Bespin Wing Guard. Came to Bespin when he was young with his sister. He was part of the greeting party that met Lando Calrissian's guests.

Willrow Hood

Homeworld: Bespin (Legends)

Status: Alive

Actor: Egbert Sen

Extra: Bespin Cloud City miner. Hood carried a camtono, which he acquired for a smuggling job, during the evacuation of Cloud City. In Legends, he worked for the A'roFilter mining company that had ties to the Rebel Alliance.

Treva Horme (Legends)

Species: Lutrillian (female)

Homeworld: Bespin 

Status: Alive

Actor: Steve Meek

Extra: In Legends, she worked for Planet Dreams Inc. as an executive planner. She became well known for her work with the Outer Javin Company. Horme was barely seen onscreen during the evacuation of Cloud City.

Samara Kebyc (Legends)

Homeworld: Bespin

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: senior accountant for the Cloud City Miners Guild.

Lee Phenets (Legends)

Homeworld: Bespin 

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: Bespin Cloud City engineer. Respected by the Ugnaught population.

Ark Rutendo (Legends)

Homeworld: Bespin

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: Wing Guard. In Legends, he was a meteorologist found at Cloud City's traffic controller tower known as Kerros Tower. The actor appeared in promotional photos for The Empire Strikes Back, but its unclear if he ever was seen onscreen.

Bialar Selis  (Legends)

Homeworld: Bespin

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: Wing Guard. In Legends, he led the investigation for the stolen Jewel of Yavin. He was part of the greeting party on Platform 327 with Lando and Lobot in meeting Han Solo. He later helped ambush an Imperial unit led by Lt. Sheckil transporting Leia, C-3PO, and Chewbacca to Vader's shuttle.

Lt. Sheckil

Homeworld: Concord Dawn (Legends)

Status: Alive

Actor: Jeremy Bulloch

Extra: Accompanied Darth Vader on his mission to Bespin Cloud City. He was in charge of escorting Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO to Vader's shuttle. The actor also portrayed Boba Fett. 

Jake Sirrom (Legends)

Homeworld: Dahvil

Status: Alive

Actor: Martin Dew

Extra: Bespin Wing Guard. In Legends, he was the son of senator Gem Sirrom, who took him to Bespin to start a new life.

Pedar Solardo (Legends)

Homeworld: Taanab

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: Wing Guard. In Legends, he was a former mercenary on his homeworld before moving to Cloud City. He was part of a group of guardsmen that helped ambush an Imperial unit led by Lt. Sheckil.

Jell Spiel (Legends)

Homeworld: Bespin

Status: Alive

Actor: N/A

Extra: cloud car pilot and Wing Guard. He co-piloted one of the twin-pod cloud cars, along with pilot Hikmat, that escorted the Millennium Falcon to Bespin Cloud City.

Helder Spinoza 

Homeworld: Bespin

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: Wing Guard. He helped ambush an Imperial unit led by Lt. Sheckil. In Legends, he was an experienced firefighter. 

Razell Tameron (Legends)

Homeworld: Bespin

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: Bespin Wing Guard who worked as a warden in Cloud City's security tower. He helped ambush an Imperial unit led by Lt. Sheckil.


Species: Human (female)

Homeworld: unknown

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: served in the Empire's 501st Legion. Was present when Han Solo was frozen in carbonite. Knocked off the platform by the angry Chewbacca, but survived the fall.

TK-27342 (Deena Lorn)

Species: Human (female)

Homeworld: unknown

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: was present during Han Solo's interrogation on Cloud City. Served in the Empire's 501st Legion. Later deserted the Empire.


Species: Ugnaught (male)

Homeworld: Bespin 

Status: Alive

Actor: Jack Purvis

Extra: operated the Carbon-freezing chamber that froze Han Solo.

Wiorkettle (Legends)

Species: Snivvian (male)

Homeworld: Bespin

Status: Alive

Actor: Cathy Munro

Extra: In Legends, he worked for PlanetDreams Inc. and terraformed asteroids to create habitable atmospheres. He was barely visible onscreen.


Species: Ugnaught (male)

Homeworld: Bespin (Legends)

Status: Alive

Actor: Hazel Allen

Extra: sold tibanna gas to arms dealers illegally on Cloud City. Found work a year later on Tatooine at Jabba's Palace.

Last modified: 1/2024 (new entries)