Who's Who of Rebel Pilots of Yavin 4

A guide to Who's Who of Rebel Pilots during the Battle of Yavin.

Red Squadron

Cmdr. Garven "Dave" Dreis

Callsign: Red Leader

Status: KIA

Homeworld: Virujansi

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing

Droid: R5-K6

Actor: Drewe Henley

Extra: also led Red Squadron at the Battle of Scarif.

Wedge Antilles

Callsign: Red 2

Status: Survived the battle

Homeworld: Corellia

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing

Droid: R2-A3

Actor: Denis Lawson, voiced by David Ankrum

Extra: later became Red Leader at the Battle of Endor. Retired after the Battle of Jakku.

Biggs Darklighter

Callsign: Red 3

Status: KIA

Homeworld: Tatooine

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing

Droid: R2-F2

Actor: Garrick Hagon

Extra: Luke's childhood friend.

John D. Branon

Callsign: Red 4

Status: KIA

Homeworld: Dalandae (Legends)

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing

Droid: R4 unit (unnamed)

Actor: Jack Klaff

Luke Skywalker

Callsign: Red 5

Status: Survived the battle 

Homeworld: Tatooine

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing

Droid: R2-D2

Actor: Mark Hamill

Extra: becomes a hero of the rebellion.

Jek Tono Porkins

Callsign: Red 6

Status: KIA 

Homeworld: Bestine IV

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing

Droid: R5-D8

Actor: William Hootkins

Extra: member of the Tierfon Yellow Aces before the Battle of Yavin. Also participated at the Battle of Scarif.

Cdt. Harb Binli

Callsign: Red 7

Status: KIA 

Homeworld: Eriadu

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing

Droid: unknown

Actor: Benjamin Hartley

Extra: also participated in the Battle of Scarif.

Lt. Zal Dinnes

Callsign: Red 8

Status: KIA 

Homeworld: unknown

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing

Droid: unknown

Actor: Zarene Dallas

Extra: was a member of the Tierfon Yellow Aces. Also participated in the Battle of Scarif.

Lt. Nozzo Naytaan

Callsign: Red 9

Status: KIA 

Homeworld: Corellia

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing

Droid: unknown

Actor: Frank Stone

Extra: also participated in the Battle of Scarif.

Theron Nett

Callsign: Red 10

Status: KIA 

Homeworld: Ord Mantell (Legends)

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing

Droid: R2-X2

Actor: Robert Mahoney

Maj. Ralo Surrel

Callsign: Red 11

Status: KIA 

Homeworld: unknown

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing

Droid: unknown

Actor: Russell Balogh

Extra: also participated in the Battle of Scarif.

Puck Naeco

Callsign: Red 12

Status: KIA 

Homeworld: Denon (Legends)

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing

Droid: unknown, R2 unit in X-wing model (unnamed)

Actor: Chris Matthews

Extra: a veteran ace pilot with eleven confirmed kills.

Gold Squadron

Cpt. Jon "Dutch" Vander

Callsign: Gold Leader

Status: KIA 

Homeworld: Onderon

Starfighter: BTL-A4 Y-wing

Droid: R2-BHD*

Actor: Angus MacInnes

Extra: led Gold Squadron two years before the Battle of Yavin protecting Senator Mon Mothma, and later at the Battle of Scarif.

*Droid is not seen in film

Dex Tiree

Callsign: Gold 2

Status: KIA 

Homeworld: Onderon

Starfighter: BTL-A4 Y-wing

Droid: R5 unit named "Sparks"*

Actor: Jeremy Sinden, voiced by Harry Shearer

*Droid is not seen in fighter

Lt. Evaan Verlaine

Callsign: Gold 3

Status: Survived the battle

Homeworld: Alderaan

Starfighter: BTL-A4 Y-wing

Droid: unknown

Actor: N/A

Extra: went on numerous missions with Leia Organa.

Ryle Torsyn 

Callsign: Gold 3 (Legends)

Status: KIA

Homeworld: unknown

Starfighter: BTL-A4 Y-wing

Droid: unknown

Actor: John Ketteringham

*GOLD 4 is unknown in Canon*

Lt. Lepira 

Callsign: Gold 4 (Legends)

Status: KIA

Homeworld: unknown

Starfighter: BTL-A4 Y-wing

Droid: R5-F7*

Actor: unknown

*Legends designation

Davish "Pops" Krail

Callsign: Gold 5

Status: KIA

Homeworld: Dantooine

Starfighter: BTL-A4 Y-wing

Droid: unknown*

Actor: Graham Ashley

*Droid is not seen in fighter

*Gold 6 is unknown in Canon*

Hol Okand 

Callsign: Gold 6 (Legends)

Status: KIA

Homeworld: unknown

Starfighter: BTL-A4 Y-wing

Droid: unknown

Actor: David Eynon

Extra: seen in the cockpit of an X-wing in the film. 

*No image available*

Gazdo Woolcob

Callsign: Gold 7

Status: KIA

Homeworld: unknown

Starfighter: BTL-A4 Y-wing

Droid: unknown

Actor: N/A

Extra: also participated in the Battle of Scarif. His fighter was only seen.

Keyan "Lucky" Farlander (Legends)

Callsign: Gold 7

Status: Survived the battle

Homeworld: Agamar

Starfighter: BTL-A4 Y-wing

Actor: N/A

Extra: also participated at the Battle of Endor, flying a B-wing.


Bren Quersey

Callsign: none

Status: Alive

Homeworld: Lantillies (Legends)

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing (if assigned)

Actor: unknown

Extra: one of the pilots that stayed behind at the Yavin 4 base due to a shortage of fighters. His callsign was Red 8 in Legends.

Col Takbright

Callsign: none

Status: Alive

Homeworld: Uquine

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing (if assigned)

Actor: Colin Higgins

Extra: one of the pilots that stayed behind at Yavin 4 base due to a shortage of fighters. Nicknamed Fake Wedge.

Elyhek Rue

Callsign: none

Status: Alive

Homeworld: Brentaal IV

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing (if assigned)

Actor: Mykel Mills

Extra: one of the pilots that stayed behind at Yavin 4 base due to a shortage of fighters. His callsign was Red 7 in Legends.

Wenton Chan

Callsign: none

Status: Alive

Homeworld: Corulag

Starfighter: T-65B X-wing (if assigned)

Actor: unknown

Extra: one of the pilots that stayed behind at Yavin 4 base due to a shortage of fighters. His callsign was Red 11 in Legends.

Last modified: 11/2023 (minor info updates)