What's Where of Star Wars Planets and Moons

A guide to the notable planets in the galaxy.

The Standard Galactic Grid coordinates (grid square) are based on where you can find these planets on a map.

Map of the galaxy here

Other regions of the galaxy: New Territories (north), The Interior (center), The Slice (east), Trailing Sectors (south), and Western Reaches (west).

Sector maps (only three were published)

Dwarf galaxies: Rishi Maze (Companion Aurek), Firefist (Companion Besh)*, Companion Cresh*, and Companion Grek.*


Planets and moons


Suns: 2

Moons: 1

System: Ahch-To

Sector: unknown

Region: Unknown Regions

Grid square: F-13

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Oceans and volcanic islands.

Extra: Birthplace of the Jedi Order. Location of the first Jedi Temple. Ancient Jedi texts and a centuries-old uneti tree were located on the planet. 

First appearance: Star Wars: Episode VIII: TLJ

Ajan Kloss (moon)

Suns: at least 1 

Moons: 2

System: unknown

Sector: Cademimu

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: L-5

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Forests, cliffs, valleys, grottos, and oceans

Extra: The moon orbited the gas giant Ajara. Luke trained leia in the way of the Jedi on this moon. Later used by the Resistance as a base.

First appearance: Star Wars: Episode IX: TROS


Suns: 1 (Alderaan*)

Moons: 0

System: Alderaan

Sector: Alderaan

Region: Core Worlds

Grid square: M-10

Rotation period (Day): 18 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 364 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Forests, mountains, and plains.

Extra: The capital city Aldera, housed both the Royal Palace and University of Alderaan.

First appearance: Star Wars: Episode IV: ANH



Suns: 3 (Ubaat I-III)

Moons: 2 (Destra and Valara)

System: Batuu

Sector: Trilon

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: G-15

Rotation period (Day): 24 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 365 days

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Cenotes, forests, and mountains.

Extra: Largest settlement on the planet, was the ancient trading post known as Black Spire Outpost. The surface of the planet also contained petrified trees, oceans, and jungles.

Appearance: Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge


Suns: 1 (Bespin*)

Moons: 2 (H'gaard* and Drudonna*)

System: Bespin

Sector: Anoat

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: K-18

Rotation period (Day): 12 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 14 years

Class: Gas giant

Primary terrain: Gaseous

Extra: Attracted mining interests, where Ugnaughts were employed to extract tibanna. One of its major cities, was the floating mining colony Cloud City.

First appearance: Star Wars: Episode V: ESB


Boz Pity

Suns: 1 (Cama Coll*)

Moons: 0

System: Boz Pity

Sector: Halla*

Region: Mid Rim

Grid square: S-9

Rotation period (Day): 55 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 778 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Canyons, deserts, mountains, and plains.*

Extra: Republic world during the Clone Wars. Largely uninhabited. Known as "the graveyard planet" in legends.

Mentioned: Star Wars: Episode III: ROTS



Suns: 1 (Beshqek*)

Moons: 5*

System: Beshqek*

Sector: unknown

Region: Deep Core

Grid square: K-11

Rotation period (Day): 31 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 207 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Urban sprawls, canyons, plateus, and lakes.*

Extra: In Legends, enshrouded in the dark side of the Force, it was the secret throne world of Emperor Palpatine. The Emperor's Citadel was located on the planet, where the Emperor kept a secret supply of clone bodies.*

Appearances: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game, Dark Empire #2 (comic)*



Suns: at least 1

Moons: at least 2

System: Cantonica

Sector: Corporate

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: S-4

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Desert

Extra: Home to the casino city Canto Bight.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode VIII: TLJ


Suns: 2 (Caridan*)

Moons: 2*

System: Carida

Sector: unknown

Region: Colonies

Grid square: M-9

Rotation period (Day): 25 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 357 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Mountains. 

Deserts, forests, glaciers, jungles, and artic tundra in Legends.

Extra: Home to the Carida Academy and a naval docking facility.

Mentioned: Solo: A Star Wars Story


Cato Neimoidia

Suns: 1 (Neri)

Moons: at least 2

System: Cato Neimoidia

Sector: Quellor 

Region: Colonies

Grid square: N-11

Rotation period (Day): 25 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 278 days (local)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Acidic oceans, canyons, cliffs, grasslands, forests, and rock arches.

Extra: Base of operations for the Trade Federation. Bridge cities were suspended above the planet's acidic ocean and anchored on rock arches.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode III: ROTS

Concord Dawn

Suns: at least 1

Moons: at least 3

System: Concord Dawn

Sector: Mandalore

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: O-7

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: unknown. 

Deserts, forests, jungles, and plains in Legends.

Extra: Birthplace of Jango Fett. The planet was devastated during one of the many wars that occurred there. The Mandalorian Protectors ruled the planet. Jaster Mereel, a Journeyman Protector, was a native of this planet in Legends.

First Appearance: Star Wars Rebels season 2


Suns: 1 (Corell)

Moons: at least 3 (Gus, Gus Talon)

System: Corellia

Sector: Corellian

Region: Core Worlds

Grid square: M-11

Rotation period (Day): 25 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 329 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Forests, jungles, oceans, and industrial urban.

Extra: Known for its ace pilots and large starships. Its vast shipyards produced many ships. The homeworld of Han Solo, Dengar, Qi'ra, and Wedge Antilles.

First Appearance: Solo: A Star Wars Story


Suns: 1 (Coruscant Prime)

Moons: 4 (Centax 1-3, and Hesperidium)

System: Coruscant

Sector: Corusca

Region: Core Worlds

Grid square: L-9

Rotation period (Day): 24 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 365 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Dense planetwide multilevel urban city

Extra: Considered the original homeworld of humanity. Served as the capital of the galaxy since the ancient days of the Republic, until the fall of the Empire. The Jedi Grand Temple, later Imperial Palace, was located on the planet. Beneath the top-level structures of the planet, was the Coruscant Underworld.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode VI: ROTJ (1997 version)


Suns: 1 (Crait)

Moons: 0

System: Crait

Sector: Bon'nyuw-Luq*

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: N-17

Rotation period (Day): 27 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 525 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Briny seas, canyons, mountains, and salt flats.

Extra: Uninhabited planet that hosted a Rebel Alliance outpost. Covered with a layer of white salt over red soil. Years later the planet was used as a haven for the Resistance. The planet also hosted mines.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode VIII: TLJ



Suns: 1 (Csilla*)

Moons: 3*

System: Csilla

Sector: Chiss space

Region: Unknown Regions

Grid square: F-8

Rotation period (Day): 25 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 462 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Ice-locked

Extra: Homeworld of the Chiss species (ie: Thrawn). Capital world of the Chiss Ascendancy. A vast majority of inhabitants live in heated underground caves, which have forests, lakes, and mountains.

First mentioned: Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising (book)



Suns: 1 (Darlo*)

Moons: 1

System: Dagobah

Sector: Sluis

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: M-19

Rotation period (Day): 23 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 341 days (local)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Bayous, swamp, bogs, jungles, and dry uplands.

Extra: Unexplored planet. One of the purest places in the galaxy within the Force. Yoda spent his exile on this planet. A mostly-eroded shield volcano on the planet, known as Mount Dagger, was later renamed Mount Yoda in Legends.

First appearance: Star Wars: Episode V: ESB



Suns: 1 (Dina)

Moons: 2

System: Dantooine

Sector: Raioballo

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: L-4

Rotation period (Day): 25 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 378 days (local)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Forests, grasslands, hills, mountains, oceans, great lakes, and rivers.

Extra: Republic planet during the Clone Wars. The Jedi Order had a temple on the planet, but withdrew from the planet years before. Was the location of the first Rebel base, and later abandoned by the time of the Battle of Scarif

First mentioned: Star Wars: Episode IV: ANH


Suns: 1 (Domir)

Moons: 4

System: Dathomir

Sector: Quelli

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: O-6

Rotation period (Day): 24 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 491 days (local)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Canyons, caves, cliffs, forests, hills, ice caps, jungles, mountains, rivers, savannahs, swamps, tar-pits, waterfalls, and valleys.

Extra: Also known as the "rancor planet", and homeworld of the rancor. Homeworld of the Dathomirian Zabrak subspecies. The dark side of the Force had a strong presence on the planet. Several witch clans also resided on the planet.

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3


Suns: 1 (Ileenium)

Moons: 2

System: Ileenium

Sector: Sanbra

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: O-17

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): 415 days

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Jungles, plains, and forests.

Extra: Headquarters of the Resistance was located on this planet.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode VII: TFA


Suns: at least 1

Moons: 1

System: Eadu

Sector: Bheriz

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: U-10

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Rocky

Extra: Location of the Eadu Energy Conversion Lab (Tarkin Initiative R&D base).

First Appearance: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Endor (moon)

Suns: 2 (Endor I and II)

Moons: -

System: Endor

Sector: Moddell

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: H-16

Rotation period (Day): 18 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 402 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Forests, savannahs, mountains, lakes, and plains.

Extra: Homeworld of the Dulok, Ewok, Gorax, and Yuzzum species. Designated IX3244-A. Also known as the Sanctuary Moon and Forest Moon of Endor. One of nine moons that orbited the gas giant of the same name.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode VI: ROTJ


Suns: 1 (Exegol)

Moons: 0

System: Exegol

Sector: unknown

Region: Unknown Regions

Grid square: F-7

Rotation period (Day): 53 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 210 days (local)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Rocky and desert.

Extra: Hidden redoubt world of the Sith, according to legend. Birthplace of Snoke. Occupied by Darth Sidious and the Sith Eternal around 35 ABY.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode IX: TROS


Suns: 1 (Felix)

Moons: 8

System: Felucia

Sector: Thanium

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: R-6

Rotation period (Day): 34 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 231 days (local)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Jungles

Extra: The planet was part of the Outer Rim Sieges towards the end of the Clone Wars.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode III: ROTS


Suns: at least 1

Moons: at least 1

System: Fondor*

Sector: Tapani

Region: Colonies

Grid square: L-13

Rotation period (Day): 31 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 412 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Desert, wasteland, urban sprawl*

Extra: Served as a manufacturing hub for Imperials during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Had dozens of orbital shipyards known as the Fondor Shipyards.

First Appearance: Star Wars Battlefront II (2017)



Suns: 1 (Ea)

Moons: 15

System: Geonosis

Sector: Arkanis

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: R-16

Rotation period (Day): 30 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 256 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Deserts, mesas, and mountains.

Extra: The site of the First Battle of Geonosis, that started the Clone Wars. The Death Star was constructed over the planet, and later moved elsewhere.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode II: AOTC


Suns: 1 (Hoth)

Moons: 3

System: Hoth

Sector: Anoat

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: K-18

Rotation period (Day): 23 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 549 days (local), 526 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Ice plains, glaciers, oceans, and mountains.

Extra: Homeworld to the wampa and tauntaun species. The temporary headquarters of the Rebel Alliance, Echo Base, was located on the planet.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode V: ESB

Hosnian Prime

Suns: 1

Moons: 1

System: Hosnian

Sector: unknown

Region: Core Worlds

Grid square: M-12

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Urban (ecumenopolis)

Extra: Headquarters of the Galactic Senate and the capital of the New Republic decades after the Battle of Endor.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode VII: TFA

Legends image


Suns: 1 (Hypori*)

Moons: unknown

System: Hypori*

Sector: Ferra*

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: S-16

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Rocky landscapes and small oceans.*

Extra: Remote planet that hosted a Techno Union droid factory. Site of a Clone Wars battle, where a group of Jedi Knights were taken by surprise. Commander Krennic's engineering team was based at an Imperial facility on the planet, working on weapon development.

Appearances: Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, Star Wars: Clone Wars - Chapter 20*



Suns: 1 (Asar)

Moons: 2

System: Ilum (originally)

Sector: 7G

Region: Unknown Regions

Grid square: G-7

Rotation period (Day): 66 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 301 days

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Crystallized glaciers, ice plains, mountains, and forests.

Extra: Utilized by the Jedi Order for the Gathering, that existed for thousands of years. The Empire later mined the planet for kyber crystals, resulting in a massive trench to open up along the planet's equator. The First Order later turned the planet into Starkiller base.

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5

Ithorian city-ship


Suns: 1 (Ottega*)

Moons: 6

System: Ottega

Sector: Ottega*

Region: Mid Rim

Grid square: M-6

Rotation period (Day): 41 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 422 days (standard)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Jungles

Extra: Homeworld of the Ithorian species. Ithorian jungles were considered sacred and hunting was highly illegal. Inhabitants lived in floating cities, that also could travel in space.

Appearances: "Bait" – Star Wars Insider 162, "Iggjel and the Mother Jungle"The Star Wars Sourcebook (1987)* 


Legends image


Suns: 1 (Jabiim*)

Moons: unknown

System: Jabiim*

Sector: Phelleem*

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: S-7

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Plains, rocky, and caves.

Extra: During the Great Jedi Purge, this planet was the final destination on The Path. In Legends, the planet was continually deluged by rain, making its surface muddy. During the Clone Wars in Legends, the planet was host to the Battle of Jabiim.

Appearance: Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries, Republic #55 (comic)*



Suns: 1

Moons: 2

System: Jakku

Sector: Jakku, Tashtor

Region: Inner Rim

Grid square: I-13

Rotation period (Day): 26.8 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 315 days (local), 352 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Deserts

Extra: Desolate planet located in the Western Reaches of the galaxy. Once was a planet of forests and water, but past calamity turned it barren. The Jakku Observatory, part of the Emperor's contingency plan, was located on the planet. The site of the pivotal Battle of Jakku, that ended the Galactic Civil War. Was home to the scavenger Rey.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode VII: TFA

Jedha (moon)

Suns: at least 1

Moons: -

System: Jedha

Sector: Terrabe

Region: Mid Rim

Grid square: H-10

Rotation period (Day): 23 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 420 days

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Deserts, mesas, and rocky dustbowls.

Extra: Orbited the planet NaJedha. Had historical and spiritual significance for those who believed in the Force. It hosted Jedha City, where the ancient Temple of the Kyber was located.

First Appearance: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story


Suns: 1 (Kamino*)

Moons: 3

System: Kamino

Sector: Abrion

Region: Extragalactic

Grid square: S-15

Rotation period (Day): 27 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 463 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Oceans

Extra: Located south of the dwarf Rishi Maze satellite galaxy. Its existence erased from the Jedi Temple archives. Homeworld of the Kaminoans, known for their cloning technology that created a clone army for the Galactic Republic.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode II: AOTC



Suns: 1 (Kashyyyk)

Moons: 3

System: Kashyyyk

Sector: Mytaranor

Region: Mid Rim

Grid square: P-9

Rotation period (Day): 26 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 381 days (local)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Forests, jungles, mountains, oceans, and swamps.

Extra: Homeworld of the Wookiee species. The planet was a member of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, and endured enslavement during the reign of the Galactic Empire.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode III: ROTS

Kef Bir (moon)

Suns: 2 (Endor I and II)

Moons: -

System: Endor

Sector: Moddell

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: H-16

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Grassland islands and ocean.

Extra: Known as the Ocean Moon of Endor. Designated IX3244-C. Some wreckage of the second Death Star was located on the planet.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode IX: TROS


Suns: 1 (Kessa*)

Moons: 3

System: Kessel

Sector: Kessel

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: T-10

Rotation period (Day): 12 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 322 days (local)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Barren spice mines in the north, and lush sanctuaries in the south.

Extra: Located within the Akkadese Maelstrom. Hosted spice mines, and exported coaxium and kesselstone. The Empire and Pyke Syndicate ran mining operations on the planet using slave labor. In Legends, it was a misshaped planet with a barren and rocky surface.

First Appearance: Solo: A Star Wars Story



Suns: at least 1 

Moons: 0

System: Kijimi?

Sector: Bryx

Region: Mid Rim

Grid square: R-8

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Mountains

Extra: Once famed for its marked spirituality, the planet became a haven for criminals. Homeworld of Zorii Bliss.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode IX: TROS


Suns: 1 (Horuset*)

Moons: 7*

System: Horuset*

Sector: Esstran

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: R-5

Rotation period (Day): 28 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 780 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Desolate and mountains.

Extra: Desolate and abandoned world, that was home to the ancient Sith. The Valley of the Dark Lords was located on the planet, where the body of Darth Bane resided. Known as Korriban in ancient times.

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 6, Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith #2 (comic)*



Suns: 1 (Kuat*)

Moons: 2*

System: Kuat

Sector: Kuat

Region: Core Worlds

Grid square: M-10

Rotation period (Day): 20 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 322 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Plains and forests.*

Extra: Shipbuilding and industrial planet. Known for the prestigious Kuat Drive Yards, that produced warships for both the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire.

First Appearance: Darth Vader 2015 #20 (comic), Star Wars Adventure Journal 9*



Suns: at least 1

Moons: 1

System: Lah'mu

Sector: Raioballo

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: L-3

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Black sand and beaches, lowlands, plateaus, and mountains.

Extra: Located far from major hyperspace routes. Settled by a small population, including the Erso family.

First Appearance: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story


Suns: 1 (Lothal)

Moons: 2

System: Lothal

Sector: Lothal

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: U-7

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Mountains, prairies, rock formations, semi-arid savannah, and marshes.

Extra: Controlled by the Empire before the Battle of Yavin. Origin of the small rebel cell known as the Spectres. The planet also hosted an ancient Jedi Temple.

First Appearance: Star Wars Rebels


Suns: 1 (Mandalore)

Moons: 2 (Concordia)

System: Mandalore

Sector: Mandalore

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: O-7

Rotation period (Day): 19 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 366 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Desert and domed cities (before Purge). Forests, lakes, jungles, seas, and mountains (historic). Deserts, forests, grass plains, jungles, and seas.*

Extra: Homeworld of the Mandalorians. Many years of war left the planet inhospitable. Inhabitants lived in domed cities, until the Empire heavily bombed the planet, turning the surface to glass and trinitite during the Great Purge of Mandalore. The fabled Mythosaur is from the planet. In Legends, the planet was not heavily bombed by the Empire, nor entirely inhospitable.

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 2, Star Wars (1977) #68 (comic)*


Mimban (formerly Circarpous V)

Suns: 1 (Circarpous Major*)

Moons: at least 1 (Minemoon)

System: Circarpous

Sector: Circarpous

Region: Expansion Region

Grid square: O-12

Rotation period (Day): 21 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 334 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Mud fields, rainforests, and swamp.

Extra: Homeworld of the Mimbanese. During the Clone Wars, the Mud Jumpers of the Republic's 224th Division helped the natives against the Separatist Droid Army. Years later, the 224th returned as part of the Imperial Army to subjugate the planet. Luke, Leia, R2 and 3PO crashed landed on the planet, where Luke dueled Vader for the first time over a force relic in Legends.

First Appearance: Solo: A Star Wars Story, Splinter of the Minds Eye (novel)*


Mon Cala

Suns: 2 (Daca*)

Moons: 1

System: Mon Calamari

Sector: Calamari

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: U-6

Rotation period (Day): 21 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 398 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Oceans

Extra: Also known as Mon Calamari or Dac. Homeworld to the Mon Calamari and Quarren. Known for its shipbuilding industry, the Mon Calamari Shipyards and the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps. Governed by a monarchy. The Mon Calamari pledged ships to the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, and years later to the Resistance.

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 4



Suns: 1 (Priate)

Moons: None

System: Mustafar

Sector: Atravis

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: L-19

Rotation period (Day): 36 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 412 days (local), 618 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Caves, forests, glens, lava (seas, rivers, and pits), molten rock plains, obsidian mountain ranges, and volcanoes.

Extra: Once a garden world nourished by the Bright Star artifact. Ancient Sith built a temple over a locus in the dark side of the Force, above the buried ruins of Corvax Fortress. The Techno Union used the planet for mining, and the Black Sun Crime Syndicate had its headquarters located on planet during the Clone Wars. Darth Vader later had his personal sanctum, Fortress Vader built on its surface. After the Bright Star was destroyed, the planet's surface began to slowly heal.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode III: ROTS


Suns: 1 (Malola)

Moons: 2

System: Mygeeto

Sector: Albarrio

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: K-5

Rotation period (Day): 12 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 167 days (standard)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Crystalline

Extra: Homeworld of the Lurmen species. InterGalactic Banking Clan stronghold, aligned with the CIS during the Clone Wars. The Fourth Battle of Mygeeto occurred on the planet towards the end of the wars.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode III: ROTS



Suns: 1 (Naboo)

Moons: 3 (Ohma-D'un, Onoam, and Veruna)

System: Naboo

Sector: Chommell

Region: Mid Rim

Grid square: O-17

Rotation period (Day): 26 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 312 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Swamps, hills, plains, cities, and mountains.

Extra: Birthplace of Palpatine, who served as its representative in the Senate during the Galactic Republic. Homeworld of Padmé Amidala, Queen of Naboo, during the Battle of Naboo. Home to the indigenous Gungan species. Earliest off-worlders to arrive on Naboo, were the Elders, who later vanished and left stone statues behind. Humans, known as Grizmallti, later colonized the planet.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode I: TPM

Nal Hutta

Suns: 1 (Y'Toub*)

Moons: 5* (Nar Shaddaa)

System: Y'Toub*

Sector: Hutt Space

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: S-12

Rotation period (Day): 87 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 413 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Swamps

Extra: Homeworld of the Hutt species. Headquarters of the Grand Hutt council. Haven for criminals.

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3


Nar Shaddaa (moon)

Suns: 1 (Y'Toub*)

Moons: -

System: Y'Toub*

Sector: Hutt Space

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: S-12

Rotation period (Day): 87 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 413 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Ecumenopolis 

Extra: Nicknamed "Smugglers Moon". Home to a vast criminal underworld, that included bounty hunters and Hutt crime lords. Homeworld of Aurra Sing and Eeth Koth. In Legends, Kyle Katarn traveled to Nar Shaddaa to find info related to the Dark Trooper Project.

First Appearance: Lando #1 (comic), Star Wars (1977) #16 (comic)*


Numidian Prime

Suns: at least 1

Moons: unknown

System: Numidian

Sector: Bright Jewel 

Region: Mid Rim

Grid square: L-7

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Jungles and swamps.

Extra: Haven for smugglers and thieves. Han Solo won the Millennium Falcon from Lando on this planet.

First Appearance: Solo: A Star Wars Story

Nur (moon)

Suns: 1 (Priate)

Moons: -

System: Mustafar

Sector: Atravis

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: L-19

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Oceans

Extra: Home to the heavily secured underwater Fortress Inquisitorius. In Legends, the headquarters for the Inquisitorius was on the Deep Core planet of Prakith.

First Appearance: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (game)


Suns: 1 (Prael)

Moons: 4 (Dagri, Dxun, Evas, Suthre)

System: Japrael

Sector: Japrael

Region: Inner Rim

Grid square: O-9

Rotation period (Day): 28 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 405 days (local)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Jungle and urban.

Extra: The planetetary government was aligned with the CIS during the Clone Wars. A rebel cell, led by Steela and Saw Gerrera, excised the Separatist occupation from the planet. The planet later came under Imperial control, and Saw formed the Partisans group to fight against the Empire. In Legends, the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd conquered the planet thousands of years ago. The planet was also part of the Mandalorian Wars in Legends.

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5, Tales of the Jedi #1 (comic)*


Ord Mantell

Suns: 1 (Bright Jewel)

Moons: at least 15 (Quantxi)

System: Bright Jewel

Sector: Bright Jewel

Region: Mid Rim

Grid square: L-7

Rotation period (Day): 26 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 334 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Mountain chains, mesas, plains, and islands.

Extra: Homeworld of the Mantellian Savrip species. Ord Mantell City housed a base of operations for the Black Sun crime syndicate. Under the rule of the Empire, it was home to an Imperial deepdock. In Legends, large portions of the planet were covered in junkyard fields. Dash Rendar had a run in with IG-88D on this planet.*

First mentioned: Star Wars: Episode V: ESB


Post supernova


Suns: at least 1

Moons: at least 2 (Mim* and Nerit*)

System: Adega

Sector: Auril

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: R-6

Rotation period (Day): 31 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 231 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Hills, forests, mountains, and caves.

Extra: Jedi retreat and the largest repository of Jedi knowledge in history. Housed a Great Jedi Library and a Jedi Temple, both long destroyed. The planet was decimated thousands of years ago by a supernova, though by the time of the New Republic, the planet seemed to have healed. Luke's Jedi Temple was located on the planet. In Legends, the planet stayed arid and toxic, until it was terraformed by the Yuuzhan Vong.

Appearance: The Book of Boba Fett series, chapter 6, Tales of the Jedi – The Freedon Nadd Uprising #1 (comic)*



Suns: 1

Moons: 1

System: Middian

Sector: Ombakond

Region: Expansion Region

Grid square: O-13

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): 378 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Desert, dunes, shrubland, and mountains.

Extra: Homeworld of the Aki-Aki species. Famous for its Festival of the Ancestors.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode IX: TROS

*Legends images

Rakata Prime

Suns: 1 (Abo*)

Moons: 2*

System: Lehon*

Sector: unknown

Region: Unknown Regions

Grid square: G-11

Rotation period (Day): 18 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 278 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Oceans, tropical islands, and rocky outcroppings.*

Extra: Also known as Lehon and Rakata. Homeworld of the long-extinct Rakatan species, who, according to legend, were the first to develop hyperspace travel. In Legends, it was the capital of the Infinite Empire a millenia before the birth of the Galactic Republic.

First Identified/Appearance: Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (game)* 


*Legends images

Raxus Prime

Suns: 1 (Raxus*)

Moons: 0*

System: Raxus

Sector: Tion Hegemony

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: S-5

Rotation period (Day): 22 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 388 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Junk, toxic waste pools*

Extra: Junk planet. In Legends, it was once a beautiful world of lagoons and islands, but became heavily industrialized over the centuries. An ancient Sith artifact, known as the Force Harvester, laid hidden underneath the surface.* Starkiller visited the world in search of the Jedi Kazdan Paratus.*

Appearances: Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (game)*


Raxus Secundus

Suns: 1 (Raxus*)

Moons: unknown

System: Raxus

Sector: Tion Hegemony

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: S-5

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Forests, hills, oceans, and plains.

Extra: Also known as Raxus. Served as the capital of the CIS during the Clone Wars. Raxulon was its capital city.

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3


*Legends image


Suns: 2 (Hoth's Brand* and Petja*)

Moons: 3 (Ruusan 2)

System: Ruusan

Sector: Teraab

Region: Mid Rim

Grid square: P-11

Rotation period (Day): 23 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 335 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Canyons, caves, desert, lakes, and rivers.

Extra: The site of the final defeat of the Sith at the end of the Jedi-Sith War. The planet was aligned with the CIS during the Clone Wars. Skytop Station, a secret Separatist listening post, was located on the moon Ruusan 2. In Legends, the Valley of the Jedi was located on the planet.

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3, Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II (game)*



Suns: 1 (Ryloth)

Moons: 5

System: Ryloth

Sector: Gaulus

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: R-17

Rotation period (Day): 30 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 305 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Deserts, dense jungle, mesas, valleys, and volcanoes.

Extra: Homeworld of the Twi'lek species. For centuries, its inhabitants were exploited by the Hutts and their criminal enterprises. The CIS unsuccessfully attempted to take the planet during the Clone Wars. The Empire later occupied the planet.

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 1


Suns: 1 (Stisste)

Moons: 3 (Cather, Jos, and Victori)

System: Saleucami

Sector: Suolriep

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: S-8

Rotation period (Day): 26 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 392 days (standard)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Caves, deserts, mountains, swamps, and volcanoes.

Extra: Former clone trooper Cut Lawquane lived on the planet, hoping to avoid the war. Was part of the Outer Rim Sieges towards the end of the Clone Wars.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode III: ROTS



Suns: at least 1

Moons: unknown

System: Savareen

Sector: Savareen

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: Q-16

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Deserts and oceans.

Extra: Known for its famous brandy drink. Crimson Dawn once had business on the planet. Solo and the rest of Beckett's gang went to the planet to refine stolen coaxium.

First Appearance: Solo: A Star Wars Story


Suns: 1

Moons: 0

System: Scarif

Sector: Abrion

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: S-15

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Oceans, rocky archipelagos, sandy beaches, jungles, and volcanic island chains.

Extra: Remote planet that became a center for Imperial top-secret research, away from the prying eyes of the Senate. The entire planet was covered by a planetary deflector shield. Among the projects stored there, was the first Death Star battle station.

First Appearance: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story


Suns: 1 (Sullust*)

Moons: 2* (Sulon* and Umnub*)

System: Sullust

Sector: Sullust

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: M-17

Rotation period (Day): 20 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 263 days (standard)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Volcanic molten surface

Extra: Homeworld of the Sullustan species, who lived in underground cities. SoroSuub Corporation had its headquarters on the planet. The planet was a staging area for the Rebel Alliance fleet prior to the Battle of Endor.

First mentioned: Star Wars: Episode VI: ROTJ



Suns: 2 (Tatoo I and II)

Moons: 3 (Ghomrassen, Guermessa, and Chenini)

System: Tatoo

Sector: Arkanis

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: R-16

Rotation period (Day): 34 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 304 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Canyons, desert, mountains, and rocky bluffs.

Extra: Lacking surface water to sustain huge populations, residents drew water from the atmosphere via moisture farms. Homeworld of the Jawa and Tusken Raider species, as well as Anakin and Luke Skywalker. Haven for smugglers and criminals. The planet was under the influence of the Hutt Clan. Long ago the planet was covered in oceans and rainforests, but for unknown reasons it became a desert world.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode IV: ANH


Suns: 1 (Tythos*)

Moons: at least 2 (Ashla and Bogan*)

System: Tython

Sector: Sector 5*

Region: Deep Core

Grid square: L-10

Rotation period (Day): 31.5 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 524 days (standard)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Forests, grasslands, and mountains.

Extra: A world rich in the Force, with a history of the Jedi Order. The planet became shrouded in myth after hyperlanes drifted from the system. Some Jedi scholars claimed, although untrue, that Tython was the site of the first Jedi temple. In Legends, it was the homeworld of the Je'daii Order.

First Appearance: Doctor Aphra (2016) #40 (comic), Darth Bane: Rule of Two (book)*



Suns: 1 (Utapau)

Moons: 9

System: Utapau

Sector: Tarabba

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: N-19

Rotation period (Day): 17 hrs

Orbital period (Year): 351 days (standard)

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Desert, grassy plains, large sinkholes, and rocky.

Extra: Dotted by deep sinkholes, with a subterranean ocean. The planet was inhabited by the Pau'an and Utai species. The Amani and Sugi species also adopted the planet as their own. The CIS sought the planet during the Clone Wars.

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode III: ROTS


Suns: at least 1

Moons: 2

System: Vandor

Sector: Sloo

Region: Mid Rim

Grid square: P-14

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): 435 days

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Mountains, plains, and rivers.

Extra: Also known as Vandor-1 and ID 53-80. Sparsely settled. The Empire had an Imperial Garrison, along with trains, on Vandor. Fort Ypso, a mountain village, was located on the planet. 

First Appearance: Solo: A Star Wars Story


Suns: at least 1 (Wayland*)

Moons: unknown

System: Wayland*

Sector: Trans-Vulta**

Region: Mid Rim

Grid square: N-7

Rotation period (Day): 23 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 353 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Forests and mountains.

Extra: Served as a base of operations for the Empire's cloning program located in Mount Tantiss. Emperor Palpatine supposedly had a huge storehouse of treasures on the planet. In Legends, Wayland was where Thrawn kept a secret cloning program in Mount Tantiss five years after the Emperor's initial death.

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 1, Heir to the Empire (book)* 




Suns: at least 1

Moons: unknown

System: Wobani

Sector: Bryx

Region: Mid Rim

Grid square: R-8

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Hills, mud plains, and rock formations.

Extra: Used as a site for labor and prison camps during the reign of the Empire.

First Appearance: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Yavin 4 (moon)

Suns: 1 (Yavin)

Moons: -

System: Yavin

Sector: Gordian Reach

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: P-6

Rotation period (Day): 24 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 4,818 days

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Jungles

Extra: Orbited the red gas giant Yavin Prime. Thousands of years ago, the now extinct Massassi lived on the moon and constructed the Great Temple. The moon hosted the headquarters of the Rebel Alliance, prior to and during the Galactic Civil War. Years later, the Dameron family lived there. In Legends, Luke Skywalker chose the moon as the site of his Jedi Praxeum years after the Battle of Endor. The Temple of Exar Kun, where his spirit resided for many years, was located elsewhere on Yavin 4.* The Lost City of the Jedi was located deep below the surface.*

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode IV: ANH, Jedi Search (novel)*


*Legends images


Suns: 1

Moons: unknown

System: Yinchorri

Sector: Fellwe

Region: Expansion Region

Grid square: L-8

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Rocky deserts and small seas.

Extra: In Legends, it was home to the Yinchorri species. During the Galactic Civil War, the world was devastated by the Empire and most of its inhabitants exterminated.* The Emperor later set up an Imperial Royal Guard Academy on the planet.* Royal Guard's Kir Kanos and Carnor Jax both trained on Yinchorr.*

Appearances: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game, Star Wars: Crimson Empire (comic)*



Suns: 1

Moons: 3

System: Zakuul?

Sector: unknown

Region: Wild Space

Grid square: D-13?

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Swamps and bogs.

Extra: Capital of the Eternal Empire.

Appearance: Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire (game)*



Suns: at least 1

Moons: unknown

System: Zeffo

Sector: Kanz*

Region: Outer Rim

Grid square: M-3

Rotation period (Day): unknown

Orbital period (Year): unknown

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Cliffs, ice caves, and mountains. 

Extra: Homeworld of the ancient Zeffonians. Featured ruins and crypts protected by Tomb Guardians. Once inhabited by a community of archaeologists and pioneers, before driven off world by the Empire.

First Appearance: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (game)


*Legends image

Zonama Sekot

Suns: 1 

Moons: 0

System: Klasse Ephemora*

Sector: Chiss Space*

Region: Unknown Regions

Grid square: F-13

Rotation period (Day): 23 hrs*

Orbital period (Year): 380 days (local)*

Class: Terrestrial

Primary terrain: Rainforests, mountains, rivers, small polar caps, and small oceans.

Extra: In Legends, it was a living, sentient world capable of traveling through space. The planet was the seed of the original Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar.* Home to Ferroans and Langhesi.*

First Mentioned/Appearance: Where in the Galaxy Are the Worlds of Star Wars: The Force Awakens?, Rogue Planet (novel)*


**Polis Massa and the Ring of Kafrene are not included in this page, as they are not planets.

Notable Other Planets

Af'El (Outer Rim, S-8)


Anoat (Outer Rim, K-18)


Atollon (Outer Rim, T-6)

Bakura (Wild Space, G-16)

Bestine IV (Inner Rim, M-14)

Bogano (Outer Rim, N-3)

Bogden (Inner Rim, M-8)

Boonta (Outer Rim, S-8)

Bothawui (Bothan Space, R-14)

Bracca (Mid Rim, P-9)

Castilon (Mid Rim, I-16)

Corvus (Outer Rim)

Christophsis (Outer Rim, Q-16)

Eriadu (Outer Rim, M-18)

Ferrix (Free Trade sector)

Florrum (Outer Rim, R-5)

Garel (Outer Rim, U-7)

Halowan (Colonies, K-9)

Iego (Outer Rim, T-7)

Kenari (Mid Rim)

Koboh (Outer Rim)

Krownest (Outer Rim, O-7)

Lola Sayu (Outer Rim, R-6)

Lotho Minor (Outer Rim, I-17)

Malachor (Outer Rim, S-4)

Malastare (Mid Rim, N-16)

Manda (Mid Rim, R-15)

Mechis III (Inner Rim, L-14)

Mon Gazza (Mid Rim, Q-16)

Morlana One (Free Trade sector)

Nevarro (Outer Rim, J-19)

New Alderaan (Outer Rim, T-6)

Oba Diah (Outer Rim, T-10)

Pantora (Outer Rim, P-19)

Rattatak (Outer Rim, H-16)

Rhen Var (Outer Rim, R-6)

Rishi (Outer Rim, S-15)

Rodia (Outer Rim, R-16)

Shadda-Bi-Boran (Outer Rim, O-18)

Sorgan (Outer Rim)

Stygeon Prime (Outer Rim, Q-6)

Taanab (Inner Rim, O-8)

Tanalorr (Outer Rim)

Teth (Wild Space, U-12)

Toydaria (Mid Rim, R-11)

Trandosha (Mid Rim, P-9)

Umbara (Expansion Region, P-10)

Uvena Prime (Outer Rim, M-18)

Last modified: 8/2023