Who's Who of Echo Base

A guide to Who's Who of Echo Base.

Echo Base personnel

Lt. Cal Alder

Homeworld: Kal'Shebbol

Status: Alive

Actor: Jack McKenzie

Extra: Expert scout. Responsible for patrolling Echo Base's outer perimeter under Major Derlin's command.

Jess Allashane (Legends)

Homeworld: unknown

Status: KIA?

Actor: Arve Juritzen

Extra: Alliance Special Forces soldier. Defended Echo Base during the Battle of Hoth.

Cpl. Vildar Blin (Legends)

Homeworld: unknown

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: Alliance Special Forces scout. He was killed while storming a downed Imperial AT-AT that exploded from snowspeeder fire.

SGM Trey Callum 

Homeworld: unknown

Status: KIA (Legends)

Actor: Bob Anderson

Extra: former Imperial officer who defected. Commanded a squad of Alliance Special Forces at Outpost Beta during the Battle of Hoth. He was first to report incoming Imperial AT-ATs.

Cmdr. Beryl Chiffonage 

Homeworld: unknown

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown (uncredited extra)

Extra: operated in the command center. In Legends, he was a tactician that developed a series of tactics for the T-47 airspeeder/snowspeeder.

Maj. Bren Derlin

Homeworld: Tiisheraan 

Status: Alive

Actor: John Ratzenberger

Extra: Operations and security chief. He was seen in Echo Base ordering the deck lieutenant to close the doors to the hangar bay. Later participated in the ground portion of the Battle of Endor.

Toryn Farr

Homeworld: Chandrila

Status: Alive

Actor: Brigitte Kahn

Extra: Communications officer. Monitored anomalies in Hoth's atmosphere. She commanded Echo Base's ion cannon during the Battle of Hoth. Later evacuated aboard the Bright Hope transport.

Col. Ledick Firest

Homeworld: unknown

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown (uncredited extra)

Extra: Field commander of the Rebel Alliance Army. He was seen in the trenches giving orders during the Battle of Hoth.

SGT Reyé Hollis

Homeworld: Naboo

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown (uncredited extra)

Extra: Alliance Special Forces soldier. In Legends, he was a son of a Clone Wars veteran. Was wounded during battle. Hollis received a promotion and the Kenobi Medallion for heroism during the Battle of Hoth.*


Lt. Tigran Jamiro

Homeworld: Onderon (Legends)

Status: Alive

Actor: Ray Hassett

Extra: Senior logistics officer. Unsuccessfully attempted to dissuade Han from leaving the base to search for his missing friend. In Legends, he served prior on Dantooine and Yavin 4.

Lt. Romas "Lock" Navander 

Homeworld: Corellia (Legends)

Status: Alive

Actor: Burnell Tucker

Extra: Tech communications officer. Defected from the Empire*. He detected the arrival of Vader's Death Squadron in the Hoth system.


Gen. Pharl McQuarrie

Homeworld: Ralltiir

Status: Alive

Actor: Ralph McQuarrie (concept artist, matte artist)

Extra: Second in command at Echo Base, where he was instrumental in its construction. Served as a military advisor in the Clone Wars.

Cpl. Corman Quien (Legends)

Homeworld: unknown

Status: KIA

Actor: unknown

Extra: Scout. Captured and trained Tauntauns as mounts. Was killed in the evacuation of Echo Base.

Cmdr. Tamizander Rey (Legends)

Homeworld: Esseles

Status: Alive

Actor: Norman Chancer

Extra: Senior deck officer. Oversaw Echo Base's docking bay operations and coordinated the evacuation of the base. 

Gen. Carlist Rieekan

Homeworld: Alderaan

Status: Alive

Actor: Bruce Boa

Extra: In command of Echo Base. Served in the Clone Wars. Years later served in the New Republic military.

Cpt. Wyron Serper

Homeworld: unknown

Status: KIA (Legends)

Actor: Burnell Tucker

Extra: Senior controller of the command center at Echo Base. Sensor specialist. Tasked with scanning Hoth's asteroid field for approaching Imperial vessels. 

Maj. Palo Torshan (Legends)

Homeworld: unknown

Status: Alive

Actor: Richard Bonehill

Extra: Intelligence officer. Coordinated security for Echo Base. Formerly served under General Dodonna on Yavin 4.

Cpt. Shawn Valdez (Legends)

Homeworld: unknown

Status: Alive

Actor: Joe Johnston (art director)

Extra: Alliance SpecForce evacuation officer. Owned the astromech droid R5-M2.

Character named after a Jacksonville, Florida, boy of the same name who died from leukemia at the age of thirteen after a near eight-year struggle. The boy was an avid fan of Star Wars and the Star Wars Customizable card game (CCG).

Jeroen Webb (Legends)

Homeworld: Ralltiir

Status: Alive

Actor: Norwich Duff

Extra: Rebel spy. Worked as one of the tauntaun handlers at Echo base.

Chase Wilsorr

Homeworld: Takodana

Status: Alive

Actor: unknown

Extra: joined the Rebel Alliance Corps of Engineers after failing basic training. Wilsorr helped with construction before being demoted and later found work as a cook and delivery runner. During the Battle of Hoth, he would escape the planet on the Bright Hope transport.

Unnamed Personnel

Unnamed Alliance Major

Homeworld: unknown

Status: unknown

Actor: Jerry Harte

Extra: Echo Base controller. One of two final controllers present during the evacuation of Echo Base.


Cpt. Micha "Howl" Evon

Homeworld: unknown

Status: KIA

Actor: N/A

Extra: Commanded the 61st Mobile Infantry (Twilight Company). Was killed during the evacuation of Echo Base.

Rogue Squadron

Cmdr. Luke Skywalker

Callsign: Rouge Leader

Status: survived battle

Homeworld: Tatooine

Actor: Mark Hamill

Dak Ralter

Callsign: Rouge Leader's gunner

Status: KIA

Homeworld: Kalist VI

Actor: John Morton

Extra: In Legends, he was born to political prisoners in an Imperial labor colony on Kalist VI. Later escaped imprisonment and joined the rebellion. 

Zev Senesca 

Callsign: Rouge Two

Status: KIA

Homeworld: Kestic Station

Actor: Christopher Malcolm

Extra: a founding member of Rogue Squadron. Located the missing Han Solo and Luke on Hoth. His snowspeeder was later shot down during battle.

Kit Valent 

Callsign: Rouge Two's gunner

Status: KIA

Homeworld: Huulia

Actor: unknown

Lt. Cmdr. Wedge Antilles 

Callsign: Rouge Three

Status: survived battle

Homeworld: Corellia

Actor: Denis Lawson

Extra: helped the last Rebel transport Bright Hope, along with Janson, escape Hoth.

Lt. Wes Janson 

Callsign: Rouge Three's gunner

Status: survived battle

Homeworld: Taanab

Actor: Ian Liston

Extra: first member of Rogue Squadron to take down a AT-AT with a harpoon and tow cable.

Derek "Hobbie" Klivian 

Callsign: Rouge Four

Status: KIA

Homeworld: Ralltiir

Actor: Richard Oldfield

Extra: defected from the Empire two years before the Battle of Yavin with Wedge Antilles. His snowspeeder was hit during the Battle of Hoth, and instead of ejecting, crashed it into the head of the AT-AT Blizzard One.

*Image not available*

Kesin Ommis 

Callsign: Rouge Four's gunner

Status: KIA

Homeworld: Coruscant (Legends)

Actor: N/A (not shown onscreen)

Extra: In Legends, Kesin along with "Hobbie", survived the Battle of Hoth.

*Rogue 5 pilots are unknown in Canon*

Tycho Celchu (Legends)

Callsign: Rouge Five

Status: survived battle

Homeworld: Alderaan

Actor: N/A

Extra: defected from the Empire after the destruction of Alderaan. Later participated in the Battle of Endor.

Lt. Tarn Mison (Legends)

Callsign: Rouge Five's gunner

Status: survived battle

Homeworld: Las Lagon

Actor: Michael Pangrazio (matte artist)

Extra: helped escort the Rebel transport Bright Hope during the evacuation of Echo Base.

*Image not available*

Samoc Farr

Callsign: Rouge Six

Status: survived battle

Homeworld: Chandrila

Actor: N/A (not shown onscreen)

Extra: younger sister of communications officer Toryn Farr. Although her snowspeeder was shot down during battle, she was only injured.

*Rogue 6's gunner is unknown in Canon*

Vigrat Pomoner flew as Rogue Six's gunner in Legends*

*not shown onscreen

*Rogue 7 pilots are unknown in Canon*

Nala Hetsime (Legends)

Callsign: Rouge Seven

Status: survived battle

Homeworld: Pha Tho

Actor: unknown

Extra: wears a pilot helmet similar to Luke Skywalker's.

Cinda Tarheel (Legends/Canon)

Callsign: Rouge Seven's gunner (Legends)

Status: survived battle

Homeworld: Socorro

Actor: N/A

Extra: In Legends, Tarheel was stationed at Haven Base after the Battle of Hoth.

In canon, she was grounded by General Rieekan during the Battle of Hoth due to her temper. Later recruited into the rebuilt Red Squadron.

*Rogue 8 pilots are unknown in Canon*

Vekozev "Zev" Kabir  (Legends)

Callsign: Rouge Eight

Status: KIA

Homeworld: Ahakista 

Actor: unknown

Extra: worked with Ahakistan resistance groups before joining the rebellion. His snowspeeder was shot down during the Battle of Hoth.

Stax Mullawny flew as Rogue Eight's gunner in Legends*

*not shown onscreen

*Rogue 9 pilots are unknown in Canon*

Stevan "Mak" Makintay (Legends)

Callsign: Rouge Nine

Status: survived battle

Homeworld: Hargeeva

Actor: N/A (not shown onscreen)

Extra: learned how to pilot starfighters at the Imperial Academy. Later defected. Joined the Rebel Alliance and was stationed at Echo Base. Later commanded Green Squadron at Eyrie Base after the Battle of Hoth.

Barlon Hightower (Legends/Canon)

Callsign: Rouge Nine's gunner (Legends)

Status: survived battle, later killed

Homeworld: Lantillies

Actor: N/A (not shown onscreen)

Extra: In Legends, Hightower was a former transport pilot for various guilds in the Lantillian sector. Later joined the Rebel Alliance and was assigned to the Starfighter Corps. Was reassigned to Haven Base after the Battle of Hoth, where he was tasked in locating lost or separated ships and personnel that retreated Hoth.

In Canon, he was recruited into the rebuilt Red Squadron by Wedge Antilles after the Battle of Hoth. Hightower flew an X-wing, with the callsign of Red 10, as Lt. Janson's wingman. He was killed in an attack on a nearby pirate base.

*Rogue 10 pilots are unknown in Canon*

Tarrin Datch 

Callsign: Rouge Ten (Legends)

Status: survived battle

Homeworld: Duro (Legends)

Actor: unknown

Extra: In Legends, his family owned a floating space city that serviced large freighters. His snowspeeder was shot down during the Battle of Hoth, where he survived and was rescued by Luke Skywalker. 

In canon, he flew an X-wing, escorting the rebel transport Bright Hope away from Hoth.

Hosh Hune flew as Rogue Ten's gunner in Legends*

*not shown onscreen

*Rogue 11 pilots are unknown in Canon*

Tenk Lenso (Legends)

Callsign: Rouge Eleven

Status: KIA

Homeworld: Glova

Actor: unknown

Extra: served prior in a mixed starfighter squadron called the Deretta Destroyers. Later assigned to Echo Base, where his snowspeeder was shot down during the Battle of Hoth. Has a helmet design similar to John D. at the Battle of Yavin.

Jek Pugilio (Legends)

Callsign: Rouge Eleven's gunner

Status: KIA

Homeworld: Glova

Actor: unknown

Extra: born on the same planet as Tenk Lenso, he was killed when his snowspeeder was shot down during the Battle of Hoth.

*Rogue 12 pilots are unknown in Canon*

Dash Rendar (Legends)

Callsign: Rouge Twelve

Status: survived battle

Homeworld: Corellia

Actor: N/A

Extra: smuggler, pilot, and mercenary. Helped delay the Imperial advance while the Rebels evacuated Echo Base on Hoth. He flew without a gunner during the battle.

Other Pilots

Nichos Panib (Legends)

Callsign: Green 4

Status: unknown

Homeworld: Virujansi

Actor: unknown

Extra: painted his helmet to match that of pilot Garven Dreis.

Beryann Raleg (Legends)

Callsign: Blue 8

Status: unknown

Homeworld: Tiisheraan 

Actor: unknown

Extra: joined the Rebel Alliance after the assassination of Tiisheraan's senator.

Will Scotian 

Callsign: Blue 3, later Rogue Two (Legends)

Status: survived battle

Homeworld: Brentaal IV (Legends)

Actor: David Stone

Extra: In Legends, he learned to pilot cargo skiffs for a local freight hauler, and later bulk freighters, before joining the rebellion. Joined Rogue Squadron after the Battle of Hoth. Served in the New Republic years later.

In canon, Scotian flew an X-wing, Red 8, after the Battle of Hoth for a mission under Commander Wedge Antilles against pirates.

Gemmer Sojan (Legends)

Callsign: Blue 4

Status: survived battle

Homeworld: Mimban

Actor: Anthony Guilding

Extra: In Legends, he joined Rogue Squadron after the Battle of Hoth. Stationed at a temporary base on Golrath, before scouting a new one on Arbra, which became the location of Haven Base. Flew under the callsign Green 2 at the Battle of Endor.

Adam Swiftgale (Legends)

Callsign: Green 3

Status: unknown

Homeworld: Manda

Actor: unknown

Extra: was a Rockhopper jockey prior to joining the rebellion.

Kulbart Zamoon (Legends)

Callsign: Blue 12

Status: unknown

Homeworld: Erilnar 

Actor: unknown

Extra: joined the rebellion due to the lack of Imperial intervention against terrorism on his homeworld.

Habeer Zignean (Legends)

Callsign: Green 5

Status: unknown

Homeworld: Ord Mirit

Actor: John Mogridge

Extra: joined the rebellion to avenge the death of his father. His helmet design was similar to Tiree at the Battle of Yavin.

Last modified: 11/2023 (minor info update, new entries, new sources)