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18-21-Nov-24 KMWorld 2024

21-24-Oct-24 ICKM 2024 at Kent State University: Opening Keynote

14-Aug-24 APQC Webinar: Building Effective and Long-lasting Communities of Practice

02-Nov-23 In Memoriam - Remembering Larry Prusak - SIKM Thread

04-Aug-22 SIKM Leaders Community is a KM Global Network Knowledge and Information Partner

15-Oct-21 Guy St. Clair Webinar: Collaborative Knowledge Services (10:50 mark)

09-Nov-20 Named to Kent State University KM Advisory Board

08-Dec-19 Tarbiat Modares University: Collaboration - Summary

26-Jun-19 KM South Africa Webinar: Implementing a KM Program

09-May-19 KM Workshop for A3L in Fairmont, West Virginia

Rankings, Recognition, and Stats

01-Jul-24 Lucidea's blog ranked #2 and my blog #5 KM Blog by FeedSpot

01-Jul-24 SIKM Leaders Community - 1,237 Members - 11,949 Posts - 2,322 Threads - 226 Monthly Calls

01-Jul-24 LinkedIn 16.167 Followers - 5,006 Subscribers - Infographic - 19-Dec-22 Post: 25,562 Views, 397 Likes, 26 Comments, 61 Shares

01-Jul-24 Medium 2,3 02Followers - Jun-24: 5.5K Views, 2,4K Reads - 23-Oct-20 Posts for past week: 16.7K Views, 4K Reads - 11-Jul-22  1.1M All-time Views

01-Jul-24 Quora 920 Followers - 1,119,099 Views (all time) - 5,330 Views (30 days) - Infographic

01-Jul-24 ResearchGate 2,629 Reads - 55 Citations - 13 Followers - Milestones: 2,000 Reads - 50 Citations - Article - Book

01-Jul-24 Twitter 4,386 Followers - Infographic

01-Jul-24 Substack 186 Subscribers, 213 Followers - Most-viewed post: 1.35K

14-Oct-23 Top 50 Most Influential People in Tacit Knowledge Management

01-Aug-23 Rated #2 Knowledge Management authority by Agilience 

01-Jun-23 Ranked #10 Knowledge Management Influencer by Cronycle

15-Sep-22 Knowledge Retention presentation had 14,429 viewers in China

28-Jun-22 Knowledge Management Benefits article passes 150,000 views

21-Dec-18 Lucidea Readers’ Choice: Favorite KM Blog Posts of 2018

03-Aug-16 Ranked #16 in 49 Top KM Blogs for CIOs

26-Mar-15 Ranked #3 in Attensa Top 10 KM Influencers

17-Apr-14 Ranked #4 in wefollow knowledge management

07-Nov-13 Ranked #5 in Senexx 10 to Follow if You Care About KM

15-Oct-13 11 KM People You Should Be Following on Twitter

29-Jun-13 Ranked #85 in Detroit Top 100 Twitter Users

11-Apr-13 Ranked #3 in MindTouch Top 100 #KM Influencers - Bill Ives - Jeff Hester

12-Feb-07 Bill Ives blogs about this site

10-Jun-24 Knowledge Summit Dublin

6-9-Nov-23 - KM 101 - Communities of Practice - Book signing for Lucidea - KMWorld Article - Photo

16-Jun-23 Midwest KM Symposium at Kent State University - Podcast - Presentations - Testimonial - PKS - The Five Cs of Knowledge Management

7-10-Nov-22 KMWorld 2022 -  CoPs - 50 KM Components - 5 Cs of KM - Community Management

15-19-Nov-21 KMWorld  Connect 2021 - Education Panel  - Slides - Video - Recap - CoP Workshop - Slides - Video

11-Aug-21 SLA: The Five Cs of KM in Special Libraries

16-Nov-20 KMWorld 2020 - Mentoring - Meetups: SIKM - Author

28-May-20 2020 Midwest KM Symposium: Stump the KM Veteran

18-Dec-19 KM Russia 2019: Power of Collaboration

4-7-Nov-19 KMWorld 2019: KM 101 - Video - Lucidea Booth - KM 101 Workshop: Implementing a KM Program

09-Aug-19 Midwest KM Symposium - Top 40 KM Pitfalls

17-18-Jun-19 SLA 2019 Conference - Cleveland- Book Signing

01-May-19 APQC KM Conference 2019 - Details - Video - Think Tank

5-8-Nov-18 KMWorld 2018 - Promotional Message - Lucidea - Recap

10-Aug-18 Midwest KM Symposium - How to Build Your Personal Digital Brand

12-Jun-18 SLA 2018 Conference - Baltimore - 7 Competencies of Knowledge Managers

19-Apr-18  APQC KM Conference 2018 - Q&A - Highlights - Building Blocks of Engaging Communities - Slides

09-Nov-17 - KMWorld 2017 - 1 - 2 - 3 - Keynote - KM Buy-in: Proven Practices - Video

19-May-17 Midwest KM Symposium - 90-9-1 Rule of Thumb: Fact or Fiction?

14-17-Nov-16 KMWorld 2016 - Spotlight - Recap - Be Agile, Not Fragile - 20 Hack-ronyms for the 20th KMWorld - KM 102 Workshop: KM 50 Components and 100 Specialties

4-5-Nov-15 KMWorld 2015: 4 Sessions - Slides - Tweets - Practical Ideas for Innovation - Keynote: 16 KM Myths - Slides - Video - Transcript

4-6-Nov-14 KMWorld 2014 Workshop/Sessions - Tweets - Practical Social Media Tips - KM Enterprise Adoption: How to Make it Stick - Leadership

6-7-Nov-13 KMWorld 2013 - Tweets - Enterprise Social Network Tradeoffs - I Say KM, You Say KS - Article

03-May-13 APQC KM Conference 2013

17-18-Oct-12 KMWorld 2012 - Promo - Tweets - Making Business Social - What’s Your KM Vision? - Deloitte - KM Specialties

26-Apr-12 APQC KM Conference: Creating a Global Virtual Hallway Using Yammer

01-Nov-11 KMWorld 2011 - 10 Front Line Tales - SlideShare

13-Sep-11 Midwest KM Symposium: Social CRM, CoPs, Twitter

05-Aug-11 Session co-chair at AMCIS 2011

22-Jul-11 Presenter: Social Business Symposium - Slides

13-May-11 APQC KM Conference: Building KM Expertise - Slides

05-May-11 Panelist at KM Education Forum, DC

16-Nov-10 KMWorld 2010 - Communities Manifesto

21-22-Jul-10 KM Australia - Program - A Baker's Dozen KM Insights

14-Jun-10 Enterprise 2.0 - In-Depth Workshop: Community Adoption

07-Jun-10 Midwest KM Symposium - Practical Ideas for Innovation

17-Nov-09 KMWorld 2009 - 13 Years in KM: A Baker's Dozen Insights

11-Sep-09 Midwest KM Symposium Insights

31-Oct-06 KMWorld 2006 - Initiating & Running a Successful Worldwide KM Program - Photo - Slides

06-May-05 APQC KM Conference : Increasing Profits and Customer-focused Quality through KM

07-Nov-23 Knowledge Nuggets: 100 KM Infographics

29-Jun-22 The Five Cs of KM - Details - Announcement - Free ebook

07-Sep-20 Handbook of Community Management: A Guide to Leading CoPs - Review - Tweet

26-Feb-18 KM Matters: Words of Wisdom from Leading Practitioners

03-Oct-17 Promoting a KM Program - Free copy - PR1 - PR2 - Review

31-Jan-07 Implementing a Successful KM Program - Testimonials

Jul24 Digital First: Knowledge Management: 5 Foundations and 15 Fundamentals

Jun20 ATD: Knowledge Sharing and KM: Keys to a Culture of Learning

Apr19 How to Avoid The Biggest KM Mistakes Organizations Make

Apr19 ARMA: Establishing a Collaboration Process to Bolster KM

Mar19 LLRX: How can you make your workplace more positive?

Jan19 LLRX: 10 x 10 - 100 Insightful KM Resources

Jul18 Forming an International Knowledge Professionals Society

Jun18 Seven big new things in knowledge management - Dec20 Followup

Apr18 Legal Business World: Key Issues in KM - PDF - Mailer

Mar18 WOL is KM’s Most Transformative Trend - Thread - KMS

Mar18 APQC: KM Experts on KM’s Role in Digital Transformation

Oct17 15 Issues in Knowledge Management - KMS Globe

Jan15 APQC: Creating Content People Actually Want - Article

Jun14 LegalMonitor: KM Planning - Key Objectives - Article

Apr13 APQC: Gamification in KM - White Paper

May08 HP’s Internal Social Network Engages Employees - LinkedIn

May08 KnowledgeBoard: Scoring Points in the Knowledge Game - LinkedIn

Sep07 Knowledge Reuse Strategies - KM Legal Magazine - LinkedIn

Aug07 Sowing the Seeds of KM - A KM Star is Born - Inside Knowledge - LinkedIn

May07 Masterclass: Identifying KM Objectives - Inside Knowledge - LinkedIn

Apr07 Masterclass: Obtaining Support for KM - Inside Knowledge - LinkedIn

Jul06 KM University - Inside Knowledge - LinkedIn

May06 Why People Don't Share Their Knowledge - KM Review - LinkedIn

Apr06 KM & Personal Growth - Inside Knowledge - More Maxims - LinkedIn

Feb06 KManager Wanted - Inside Knowledge - LinkedIn

Feb06 Setting Up a KM Program - KNOW Network - Guided Insights - LinkedIn

Feb06 Sharing Knowledge by Design - Communiqué - LinkedIn

Feb06 Knowledge Advisors at HP: Connecting People with Information - LinkedIn

Jan06 AOK Star Series Dialogue  -  Association of Knowledgework - LinkedIn

Dec05 Capture and Reuse - Inside Knowledge - LinkedIn

May00 Profiles of 12 Knowledge Stewards - Montague Institute Review - LinkedIn

May98 DEC Increases Profits through Knowledge Sharing - Knowledge Inc. - LinkedIn

27-Sep-23 Interviewed by Zach Wahl, EK CEO, on Knowledge Cast

17-Mar-23 Interviewed by Kendra Albright of Kent State University

06-Feb-23 Conversation on ChatGPT and KM with Arnold Kling and Dennis Pearce - SIKM Discussion

26-Jul-22 The Wheels of the (KM) Bus Go Round and Round by Rajesh Dhillon - Video

24-Jun-22 Interview with Dan Ranta for Kent State University's Communities of Practice course

30-Nov-21 Leader to Leader: From the Front Lines - Organizational Innovation and Knowledge Management/Knowledge Sharing - Blog Post - LinkedIn

13-May-21 Associations Now: How to Facilitate Knowledge-Sharing in Remote Work - Q&A

19-Jan-21 ATD Audio Interview: Measured steps to manage knowledge

15-Jan-21 Video: The State of the Art of Knowledge Management

24-Nov-20 Video: Current and Future State of Knowledge Management

15-Oct-20  Video: Virtual Excellence: Excellence in Community Management

17-Jul-20 Fringe Legal: Litera.tv interview with Abhijat Saraswat

13-Feb-20 Edwin K. Morris Podcast: Because You Need to Know, Number 2

04-May-19 Tribe: Insights on Online Community Building

27-Feb-19 APQC Podcast Interview: Why You Need a KM Vision

26-Feb-19 Studio Guest on DW24 Live - Tweet - Recording

23-Jan-19 Hans Luyts: Why Knowledge Managers Do What They Do

02-Nov-18 Yadira Caro: Sharing Knowledge about Knowledge

04-Jul-18 Jonathan Norman: Secrets of Promoting a KM initiative

12-Mar-18 Lauren Trees/APQC Podcast: Latest KM Trends - Second Source

22-Sep-17 Edwin K. Morris Podcast: Because You Need to Know

06-Dec-16 TallyFox: KM Through the Eyes of a Thought Leader

22-Dec-15 KMWorld 2015: Is KM Dead?

27-Sep-14 Paul Woods: Yaminade Podcast - Facebook

12-Apr-13 Nancy Davis Kho/EContent: Community Evangelist

19-May-11 Chris Coleman/Collaboration Pizza: Communities Manifesto

22-Sep-10 Kevin Desouza: Interview with KM Leaders

27-Nov-09 Allan Crawford: KMWorld 2009 Perspectives: Is KM Dead?

10-Mar-08 HP Collaboration Strategy - Working Knowledge Research Center

30-May-07 Dan Keldsen: Reinvention Prevention - Recording

27-Jun-24 Webinar: Profiles in Knowledge Part 4 - Slides

18-Jun-24 KM4Impact/IFI KM CoP: Measuring the Results of KM - Announcement - Recording

23-May-24 Webinar: Profiles in Knowledge Part 3 - Slides

02-May-24 Webinar: Profiles in Knowledge Part 2 - Slides

30-Apr-24 KMGN KM Course 2024: Leveraging The Value Creation of Tacit Knowledge - Communities of Practice

28-Mar-24 Webinar: Profiles in Knowledge Part 1 - Slides - Feedback

16-Nov-23 Presentation to the Twin Cities KM Forum - Knowledge Management: Five Foundations, Fifteen Fundamentals, and The Five Cs - Slides

20-Jul-23 KM Community of DC - KM: The Next Ten Years - Slides - Video

21-Jun-23  Webinar: The Five Cs of KM, Part 5: Create

14-Jun-23 Glean Insights Summit in Chicago - Slides

14-Jun-23  Future of KM: 5 Foundations and 15 Fundamentals

24-May-23 Webinar: The Five Cs of KM, Part 4: Collaborate

19-Apr-23 Webinar: The Five Cs of KM, Part 3: Connect

23-Mar-23 Webinar: The Five Cs of KM, Part 2: Curate

15-Feb-23 Webinar: The Five Cs of KM, Part 1: Capture

15-Sep-22 Knowledge Retention Presentation in English and Chinese - Slides - Chinese Slides - Video - Review - Series

30-Nov-21 IFI KM CoP: KM Incentives - Slides - Video

18-Nov-21 German Knowledge Management Society (GfWM) KnowledgeCamp 2021: KM - Past, New Normal & Future - LinkedIn Post - Slides - Tweet 1 - Tweet 2 - Recording

23-Feb-21 KMLF: Knowledge and Community Management

28-Sep-20 KM Leader Roles and Responsibilities - Video - Slides

20-May-20 Webinar: KM Integration: Tips for Knowledge Managers

22-Apr-20 Webinar: KM Conversation: Achieving KM Independence

25-Mar-20 Webinar: KM Conversation: Using Analytics

26-Feb-20 Webinar: KM Conversation: Social Collaboration

29-Jan-20 Webinar: KM Conversation: Advanced Discovery

09-Dec-19 Webinar: KM Conversation: 3 Dimensions of 360° Access

28-Aug-19 Webinar: Stump the KM Guru - Real-Time Q&A

24-Jul-19 Webinar: Communities of Practice Primer and Manifesto

26-Jun-19 Webinar: The HP KM Program: Tools and Technology

14-May-19 Webinar: Selling KM: Reuse Proven Practices - Part 5 

24-Apr-19 Webinar: Selling KM: Reuse Proven Practices - Part 4

08-Apr-19 TCKMF: Building a Knowledge-Sharing Culture - Slides

13-Mar-19 Webinar: Selling KM: Reuse Proven Practices - Part 3

06-Feb-19 Webinar: Selling KM: Reuse Proven Practices - Part 2

16-Jan-19 Webinar: Selling KM: Reuse Proven Practices - Part 1

19-Dec-18 Webinar: 7 Competencies of Effective Knowledge Managers

28-Nov-18 Webinar: Selling KM - Apply Lessons Learned

17-Oct-18 Webinar: Selling KM - Avoid the Top 40 Pitfalls - Slides

09-Oct-18 Webinar: 7 Competencies of Effective Knowledge Managers - Slides

26-Sep-18 Webinar: Selling KM - Use the Keys to Success

22-Aug-18 Webinar: Selling KM - Recognize and Reward

25-Jul-18 Webinar: Selling KM - Nurture a Knowledge-Sharing Culture

27-Jun-18 Webinar: Selling KM - Improve Continuously

07-Jun-18 EC Knowledge Week: Proven Practices for KM

30-May-18 Webinar: Selling KM - Embrace Technology Appropriately

11-Apr-18 Webinar: Selling KM - Build a Team and Get Outside Help

14-Mar-18 Webinar: Selling KM - Communicating with Stakeholders

13-Mar-18 The Future of KM Panel Discussion - Video

14-Feb-18 Webinar: Selling KM: Educating Stakeholders

24-Jan-18 Webinar: Selling KM: 10 Parts of the Business Case

13-Dec-17 Webinar: Selling KM: Lay the Foundation

15-Nov-17 Webinar: Selling KM - Define the Essentials

18-Oct-17 Webinar: Get Stakeholders to Help Promote KM

26-Jul-17 Knowledge Management Basics

22-Jul-17 Twitter Tutorial

11-Jul-17 10 Tips for Leading Communities - Audio - Event - Article

07-Apr-17 Columbia IKNS: Use Cases for Communities of Practice

21-Mar-17 The Current State of KM - Audio

11-Aug-16 Let’s Talk Online Engagement - Slides

26-Jul-16 Webinar: Gamification Accelerates KM Adoption

07-Apr-16 Columbia IKNS: Trust Me, I'm a Community Evangelist

26-Jan-16 Webinar: 5 KM Pitfalls to Avoid

25-Jun-15 Office 365 Use Case Potluck

05-Jun-15 GLIS Roundtable: Tips for Leading Communities

29-Sep-14 Why People Don't Share Their Knowledge

11-Apr-14 Columbia IKNS: CoPs: Principles and Tips

18-Feb-14 KM Chicago: ESNs: Tradeoffs and Examples

03-May-13 Improving Findability in the Enterprise

03-Aug-11 KM: Social CRM for Two-way Knowledge Sharing - Summit

20-Dec-10 Communities Manifesto Slides - Article

19-Jul-10 KMLF Melbourne: Communities Manifesto - Slides

02-Jun-10 IBF24: Online Tour of Deloitte Intranet

25-Mar-10 APQC KM CoP Call: 10 Principles for Successful CoPs

10-Mar-10 KM Group of Philadelphia: Communities Manifesto - Slides

09-Mar-10 KM Chicago: Objectives/Commitments - Slides

12-Mar-08 MSU: How to Be an Authentic Leader - Books - PPT - SlideShare

26-Feb-08 Pure Insight - A Successful KM System

12-Dec-07 APQC Benchmarking Study Conference

20-Oct-07 Lawrence Tech - KM in the Real World

08-Oct-07 CPsquare Foundations of Communities of Practice

23-Apr-07 MSU: KM Careers - KM, Web 2.0, Social Media, and Other Tools of the Trade

18-May-06 American Chemical Society: HP Collaboration & Communities

14-Mar-06 KM Chicago - HP KM Program

29-Nov-18 ESNchat: Common Community Management Mistakes

13-Oct-16 ESNchat: Using ESN for KM - LinkedIn

11-Sep-14 APQC KM & Process Improvement Tweet Chat

The views expressed here are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my past employers.