
The Objects of The South Alberta Light Horse Regiment Foundation (The Foundation)

Generally, the Foundation is involved in community outreach, education and welfare of serving soldiers and others in the regimental family.

A brief list of the objects of the Foundation include:

To act as charity to benefit the community culturally by preserving the Western Cavalry and Armoured Fighting traditions of The South Alberta Light Horse Regiment and its predecessor Regiments by providing The South Alberta Light Horse appropriate heritage western cavalry uniforms and accoutrements;

To preserve the Western Cavalry and Armoured Fighting traditions of The South Alberta Light Horse and its predecessor Regiments by direct financial support of public and Regimental events and reunions of heritage character;

To support the Regiment’s Cadet Corps, The South Alberta Light Horse Cadet Corps, through the Alberta Army Cadet League, by providing an annual sum to assist the Corps in providing effective training;

To finance appropriate historical research and the writing and publication of books and pamphlets of the history and traditions of The South Alberta Light Horse and its predecessor Alberta Regiments for sale to the public at large, for free distribution to Alberta Schools and for teaching serving soldiers and cadets;

To assist in providing short term financial aid to serving and retired soldiers of the Regiment and their families with evident needs;  

To assist serving soldiers of The South Alberta Light Horse or Cadets of The South Alberta Light Horse Cadet Corps entering or attending any recognized university, college or school on a full time basis to pursue their education on the basis of scholastic standing, personal qualities and financial needs;

To accumulate funds to donate to The South Alberta Light Horse Regimental Fund, a recognized charity to assist in worthy projects for the benefit of recipients of its largess; and 

To collect, purchase, receive and obtain, preserve, study and exhibit those objects that will serve to illustrate the story of The South Alberta Light Horse and its predecessor Regiments in Canadian Military History and to issue tax receipts for the appraised value of such objects which are donated.