Regimental Churches

Holy Trinity Anglican Church - 10037 84 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB

In 1911, a new Regimental Armoury was built at 10310 - 85th Avenue. The proximity to the Holy Trinity Church naturally commenced a century long relationship to this day and is reflected by the Regimental colours of the 101st Edmonton Fusiliers and the silk of the 19th Alberta Drgaoons being laid up in this church since 1964. Through two world wars, the peacekeeping era to Afghanistan, Holy Trinity Anglican remains an important link with the Regiment’s past, present and future in its service of Canada

Contact Information: Father Christopher Pappas at

Saint Barnabas - 635 4th Street SE, Medicine Hat

Saint Barnabas Church has a rich history with the wartime South Alberta Regiment (SAR) and subsequently, the SALH upon amalgamation. The 175th Battalion King's and Regimental Colours and the 3rd Canadian Mounted Rifles Silk for WWI are laid up here.  Many wartime veterans of the SAR remained prominent members of Saint Barnabas well into the 1990’s.

Contact information: Rev. Oz Lorentzen at