How to care for the spine

Awakening the spine 

Hydrate 💦  Learn how to use rollers and therapy balls  at home. 

Enjoy your  favourite sport, lifestyle and daily movement pain free as you age. 

This training follows the international best selling Melt Method curriculum designed by Sue Hitzmann to help you hydrate your fascia and learn ways to support the longevity of your body and mental wellbeing


The balls are latex free.

As we age we loose connection with  feet and hands and that takes away our capacity to negotiate tension in the spine leading to  pain in the hips and neck. 

Learning to Melt and change your life for ever. 4hrs 1on1 +  donation based payment 

Learn simple treatments you can do every day with a small soft ball sitting or standing for deep tissue hydration and undoing stuck stress reinvigorating the spine. 

Everything you need to start feeling better now.  

Buy a ball. Start melting your hands. 

Gain access to this unique approach to deeply hydrating the body. 

Sensory Fitness 

Schedule sessions and start positively affecting your experience in the body.

By stimulating the hands and feet, this easy-to-learn treatment can help improve and resolve

Painful conditions like plantar fasciitis, bunions, neuromas

Chronic pain issue with neck, hips and lower back 

Headaches, gut issues, and insomnia

• Stiffness and rebalance cellular heath and energy 

These quick self-treatments are for everyone and can be done anywhere – home, work, or travel to positively affect your autonomic nervous system. 

As we age some people loose sensory motor control in their pelvis and it leads to the "shuffle" type of gate, incontinence and joint instability. The single most important thing you can do for your pelvic floor health is learn to reconnect your hands and feet. 

Positively charge your life with movement skills. 

When our spine is well integrated between the hands and feet we have a well functioning digestive system, our sleep is restful because our nerves are not compressing and our hips feel supported and mobile.  

I suffered with the symptoms of  hypermobility which affected my nervous system, sleep, joints and mental wellbeing. Melting has been a long sought out approach for which I will be forever grateful. The moment I landed in these practises I started to sense in with immediate relief in my body in a systematic and repeatable way that was accessible to me on a daily basis. 

You will need to learn a bit about physiology and anatomy to make this method work for you. I am here to help. 

online 1 on 1

photos on page © Camelia Shakti and © Melt Method