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which if you do not, this his bounty and long-suffering makes way for his justice, and serves to leave you without excuse; and to heap up wrath for you against the day of judgment, the day of the revelation of the just judgment of God, Rom. ii. 4 - 6, who shall render to every man according to his works. For God knows how to reserve the wicked to the day of judgment, to be punished, 2 Peter ii. 9. He will take his time to hear and afflict you, Psa. lv. 19, when he shall set all the sins of you that forget him, in order before you, Psa. l. 21, 22; then, if your speedy repentance do not now prevent it, he will tear you in pieces when there shall be none to deliver. The longer he was in fetching his blow, the more deadly will his stroke be when it comes. Many malefactors are not so much as called at a petty sessions, when less offenders are both called and punished; yet have they no cause to promise safety to themselves, for they are reserved for a more solemn trial, and execution, at the grand assizes. So wicked men that are not afflicted here, are reserved for the last judgment, at the great and terrible day of the Lord.

4. There are some who hope that God does love them, and that he does intend to save them; for they prosper in every thing, and are not in trouble and distress as other men; hereupon their consciences are quiet, and without fear.

Let me tell you who thus think, that this is a poor foundation to build your hope upon. What are you the better for your prosperity? Are you more thankful and more obedient? Do you the more good, by as much as you prosper more? If so, well; if not, know, as Solomon, by the spirit of truth, tells you that no man can know God's love or hatred by all that is before him; be it prosperity or adversity, Eccles. ix. 1, 2. In these things there may be one and the same event to the righteous and to the wicked. Know, moreover, that the wicked, for the most part, thrive most in this world; God giving them their portion in this life, Psa. xvii. 14, wherewith they nourish themselves against the day of slaughter, making their