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wise with the hypocrite; if he may seem good to men, it is all he cares for, Matt. vi. 2, &c.

Fourthly, The upright man is constant; his will is that he might always please God, Acts xxiv. 16. He does as much endeavour to approve himself to God in prosperity as in adversity, and even then studies how to be able to hold out before God, if his state should alter. I do not mean such a constancy as admits of no intermission or obstructions in his Christian course. A constant running spring may be hindered in its course for a time, by damming it up; yet the spring will approve itself to run constantly, for it will be still thrusting to get through, or to get under; or, if it can do none of these, it will raise itself in time, according to its strength, and get over all hinderances, and will bear down all before it, and run with a more full streams afterwards, by as much as it was before interrupted: so it is with an upright man. But the hypocrite's religion is by fits and starts; as he calls not on God at all times, Job xxvii. 10, so it is with all other his goodness, it is but as the seed in stony ground, and amongst thorns, Matt. xiii. 21, 22, and as morning dew, Hosea vi. 4, it endures but for a season.

Fifthly, An upright man is known by the causes from which all his good actions spring, and to which they tend.

(1.) That which causes the upright man to endeavour to keep a good conscience alway, is an inward principle and power of grace, causing him through faith in Christ, John xv. 2, 5, in and from whom, as the root of all grace, he brings forth fruit; and from love and fear of God, 1 Cor. ix. 16 - 18; 2 Cor. v. 14; Gen. xlii. 18; and from conscience of the commandment, to do the will of God, 2 Cor. ii. 17. Not only fear of wrath, and hope of reward, causes him to abstain from evil and do good; but chiefly love of God, and conscience of duty.

Now, if you would know when you obey out of conscience of the commandment, and from love of Christ; consider, 1. Whether your heart and mind stand bent to obey every of God's commandments which you