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only when just cause shall require; for as it is shame and folly to a man to answer a matter before he hears it, Prov. xviii. 13, so is it for any to speak before his time and turn, Job xxxii. 4 - 6. Likewise consider, that in the multitude of words there wants not sin; but he that refrains his lips is wise, Prov. x. 19.

(6.) Be sparing to speak of yourself or actions, to your own praise, except in case of necessary apology, 2 Cor. xii. 11, and defence of God's cause maintained by you, and in the clearing of your wronged innocency, or needful manifestation of God's power and grace in you; but then it must be with all modesty, giving the praise unto God, Phil. iv. 12, 13. Neither must you cunningly hunt for praise, by debasing or excusing yourself and actions, that you may give occasion to draw forth commendations of yourself from others. Thus seeking of applause, argues pride and folly. But do praiseworthy actions, seeking therein the praise of God, that God may be glorified in you, then you shall have praise of God, Rom. ii. 29, whatever you have of man. However, follow Solomon's rule: Let another praise thee, not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips, Prov. xxvii. 2.

(7.) As you must be wise in your carriage towards others, so you must be wise for yourself; which is to make a good use to yourself of all things that occur in company. Let the good you see, be matter of joy, and thankfulness to God, and improved for your own imitation, Rom. xii. 9. Let the evil you see, be matter of grief and humiliation, and a warning to you, lest you commit the like, since you are made of the same mould that others are, and are liable to the same temptations. If men report good of you to your face, repress those speeches as soon and as wisely as you can, giving the praise of all things to God, Gen. xii. 15, 16, Acts xi. 23; knowing that this is but a temptation and a snare, Prov. xxvii. 14, and a means to breed self-love, pride, and vain-glory in you. If this good report be true, bless God that he has enabled you to deserve it, and study by virtuous living to continue