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Whosoever therefore would have true peace of God, must know and be thoroughly convinced that by nature, by reason of Adam's first transgression, which is justly imputed to him, Rom. v. 12, and because of his own inherent wickedness of heart and life, Rom. vii. 18; Psa. li. 3, 5, of omission and commission, in thought, word, and deed, he is in a state of sin and condemnation, having God for his enemy, yea, is an heir of wrath, Eph. ii. 3, and of eternal vengeance of hell-fire: according to that of the apostle, All have sinned, and are become guilty before God, and have come short of the glory of God, Rom. iii. 19, 23. Ignorance of danger may give quiet to the mind for a time, but it can give no safety. Is not he foolishly secure that rests quietly in a ruinous house, not knowing his danger, until it fall upon him? Whereas, if he had known it, he would have had more fear and disquiet; but less danger.


Let no man presume upon weak and false grounds, that he shall escape the vengeance of hell, or attain to the happiness of heaven. How weak and vain are the foundations on which many build their hopes of salvation! and from thence their peace will appear by that which follows.

1. Some think that because God made them, surely he will not damn them. True, if they should have continued good, as he made them. God made the devil good, yea an excellent creature, yet, who knows not, that he shall be damned? Matt. xxv. 41. If God spared not his holy angels, Jude 6, after that they became sinful; shall man think that he will spare him? A sinful man shall be judged at the last day, not according to what he was by God's first making; but as he shall be found defiled and corrupted by the devil, and by his own lusts. When Judah became a people of no understanding, it is said, He who made them