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most sure, and (to a spiritual man) most pleasant way, the paths of which are peace; the very happiness and rest of the soul, Jer. vi. 16. God teacheth his children to choose this way, Isa. xlviii. 17, Psa. lxxxv. 13, Psa. xxxvii. 23. And if they happen to err, or to doubt of their way, they shall hear the voice of God's Spirit behind them, saying, This is the way, walk in it, Isa. xxx. 21.

Fourthly, If you walk with God, you shall walk safely; Prov. iii. 24, Psa. xxxvii. 24; you will not need to fear, though ten thousand set themselves against you, Psa. iii. 5, 6; for his presence is with you, and for you. His holy angels encamp about you, Psa. xxxiv. 7; and while you walk in his ways, they are charged to support you, Psa. xci. 11, 12, lest you should receive any harm.

Fifthly, When you walk with God (though you be alone, separate from all other society) you still walk with the best company, even such whereof there is most need, and best use. While God and you walk together, you have an advantage above all that walk not with him; for you have a blessed opportunity of that holy acquaintance with God, which is expressed Job xxii. 21 - 30. You have opportunity to speak unto him, praying with assurance of a gracious hearing. Abraham and his faithful servant made use of their walking with God for these purposes, Gen. xxiv. Is it not a special favour that the most high God, whose throne is in heaven, should condescend to walk on earth with sinful man? nay, rather to call up man from earth to heaven, to walk with him? Phil. iii. 20, Colos. iii. 2. It would be therefore shameful ingratitude not to accept this offer, and not to obey this charge.

Sixthly, To set the Lord always in your sight, is an excellent preservative and restraint from sin. With this shield Joseph did repel and quench the fiery darts of the temptations of his designing mistress, Gen. xxxix. 9. For who is so foolish, and shameless, as wilfully to transgress the just laws of a father, king,