Release Notes

Release Notes


June 2016

    • We are now using Google Sheets Named Ranges for both the recipient & the merge status column. This means that we do not rename the recipient's column to "Email address" anymore and people can rename their columns at any time without breaking the Tracking Report.

May 2016

    • Bounced / rejected emails are now recorded and we correctly update the Tracking report with this info.

    • The Tracking Report now displays the Open rate, Click-through rate & Bounce rate for your campaign (see our blog post).

April 2016

    • Click tracking is now available in the Tracking Report (see our blog post).

    • You can now import contacts from Salesforce in addition to Google Contacts (see documentation).

    • The logic to track emails opened & clicked have been improved to respect spam filters rules and avoid being blacklisted.

March 2016

    • A Domain Activity Report is now available in YAMM web app to see the overall usage of YAMM on your Google Apps domain (see documentation).

    • If you are launching YAMM from an empty spreadsheet we better guide you to list recipients so you can start your campaign.

February 2016

    • The list of recipients is now cleaned-up to avoid delivery failures because of bad email addresses (eg if it contains accented letters).

    • Campaign scheduling is now available (see our blog post).

    • If we don't process a specific row because there's no recipient, we correctly add a status in the Merge status column (NO_RECIPIENT).

    • If you don't have a column named "Email address", we try to pre-select the best match (the column most likely containing your recipients).

    • A Campaign tab is now available in YAMM web app to help you track the list of all spreadsheets from which you have sent an email campaign. If you have a campaign scheduled, it will be listed there too (see documentation).

January 2016

  • 3 formats are now supported for markers:

    • $%Column Header%,

    • <<Column Header>>,

    • {{Column Header}}

Curly brackets {} are now the most commonly used punctuation marks to build markers and we recommend people to use this format.

  • If user has previously sent another campaign from the same spreadsheet (and thus has a "Merge status" column), we ask if he would like to do a follow-up.

  • Internet Explorer is no longer supported due to some web features we have recently added to YAMM (it is working on Microsoft Edge though).

  • Many improvements to correctly retry without showing any error message to the user when something goes wrong on Google backend.

  • CC & BCC are now better handled (when added in sheet and / or in Gmail draft). Here's all you should know about usage of CC & BCC in YAMM.


December 2015

    • When checking remaining quota we now let you know when your quota will be reset and when was the last time you used the add-on.

    • Read receipts: when someone opens a new email, we let you know the corresponding row in your spreadsheet.

    • New feature: Follow-ups (Segment your list of recipients to send follow-up emails)

    • New feature: many new email templates are available - directly in our web app

    • A progress bar is now displayed when sending emails

    • All spreadsheet formats (dates, numbers, currencies) are now correctly handled

    • Adding more than one personalized attachment for each email sent is now supported

November 2015

    • A "Welcome" email is sent when user install the add-on, with some tips to help him get started.

    • A "Congrats" email is sent after first campaign / merge with tips to do more with the add-on / present advanced features.

    • Referral program is now directly available in our web app.

October 2015

  • Dropped free quota from 100 to 50 recipients / day but released a referral program to let users get more quota for free (see announcement).

  • Translations: YAMM is now available in Norwegian, Basque, Czech & Catalan for a total of 23 supported languages

September 2015

    • We have deployed a new support tool to help users quickly report issues and get help (see our announcement)

    • Date formats are now better handled in foreign languages

August 2015

  • The add-on loads now faster and if you reuse it on the same spreadsheet multiple times, we pre-select the Gmail draft you have previously used in that spreadsheet.

  • We check for duplicated headers in the sheet (if you have duplicated headers and you reuse one of those headers as marker in your draft, we might not retrieve the info from the right column)

July 2015

Improvements for the Read Receipts dashboard

You can now see in real time which email has been opened and if you select a specific row, you can see more insights such as the number of times a specific email have been opened and first and last time it was opened.

Send different attachments to each recipient

You can upload your attachments (eg. PDFs) to Google Drive and add the URL of each attachment in a column of your sheet. YAMM will get the files from your Google Drive and send a copy as attachment of the email sent (see doc).

June 2015

Released a new plan to let users send emails to up to 400 recipients per 24 hours (instead of 100).

Starred drafts will appear first in the list when you want to start a mail merge with YAMM

April 2015

Added some checks to avoid being blacklisted by spam filters


December 2014

Added templates to help people write beautiful emails.

November 2014

Added better processing of big batch of emails + real time notification of emails sent.

October 2014

Added the ability to send emails upon form submission as part of the release of installable triggers in add-ons by Google.

see documentation

September 2014

Added read receipts / email tracking

see documentation

August 2014

Added paying plans to support the development of the add-on.

July 2014

The formatting you choose in your spreadsheet is now kept in the emails you send.

April 2014

The add-on has been translated in 19 languages.

March 2014

New release as a Google Sheet add-on (as part as the official launch of add-ons by Google)


October 2011

The script is featured in a blog post on the Google Apps Developer blog: 4 ways to do Mail Merge using Google Apps Script

September 2011

First release in the Apps Script gallery