Share your draft with another account

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*** Read the latest post on our new YAMM blog: Add another email address to Gmail (works with Outlook and Hotmail) ***

About draft sharing

After creating a draft with your Gmail / Google Apps account, you might want to share it with your colleagues so that they can also reuse your template and send the same email from their own accounts.

Yet Another Mail Merge lets you do that easily. Sharing your draft to your colleagues will help them save a lot of time, as they will not have to start from scratch and recreate the same draft.

This option can be used in many various cases:

    • When the person in charge of building an emailing campaign, such as newsletters, is not the same as the sender of the emails.

    • When you need to send your mail merge to more than 1,500 recipients within 24 hours.

    • When you want to create a copy of your draft. For example, this is useful if you have different suggestions of your emailing campaign.

    • Or simply when you need a review of your draft from different colleagues

To know how to share your draft, simply follow the instructions below.

Step-by-step guide to share your draft

1. Create your draft in Gmail and select its ID

First, you have to select your draft. You will then find its ID at the end of the URL from your Gmail interface:

In this picture, the ID is: 154bdf5501ca9d0d.

2. Share your draft to the person of your choice

Open a new tab in your browser, and copy / paste the following link after adapting it to your case:[ID_OF_YOUR_DRAFT]&shareWith=[ACCOUNT_YOU_WANT_TO_SHARE_WITH]*

In our example, the link looks like this:

Once you pasted the link with the right information (ID and email address), a confirmation text will be displayed on your browser:

*As explained on the first paragraph, you can make a copy of your draft by sharing it to yourself. Simply type your own email address.

3. Ask your colleague to open YAMM

The person with whom you have just shared your draft will need to open YAMM to see your draft appear in his own Gmail draft folder.

For example, he can simply open the YAMM interface from a spreadsheet. Then, he should be able to see your shared draft listed in the template picker field:

After opening YAMM interface, your colleague will see your draft listed in his Gmail. He can reuse it to send a mail merge with YAMM from his own account.