Add cc / bcc recipients in your emails

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In a spreadsheet

Simply add ‘cc’ as the header for a column in your spreadsheet, and the cc recipients will be retrieved from this column.

For bcc recipients, do exactly the same by adding another column with 'bcc' as the header.

If you want to put several addresses in copy, just separate them with comma:

The cc / bcc recipients will be put in copy of your emails only if there is an address (or several ones) in the cc / bcc column.

In your email draft

You can also add a recipient in cc directly in your draft (if you have several cc, also separate the email addresses with comma):

Contrary to the cc recipient(s) from the spreadsheet, the one(s) from the draft will be put in copy for each email of your whole recipients list.

More information about cc/bcc

You can use both methods, depending on your needs:

    • Add an email address in cc of the draft who will receive all the emails

    • And / or someone in cc of the spreadsheet who will receive only a specific email (the one for the recipient on the same row)

Note that all the persons in cc / bcc will be taken into account regarding the quota. Therefore, you might need to calculate beforehand so that you can send all your emails!

For example, assuming you have a free account, so you are limited to 50 emails / 24 hours: If you send your email to 15 recipients, add 2 person in cc of your draft, and 3 persons in cc of your spreadsheet (let's say for 3 different recipients, so in 3 rows), you will have only 2 emails left.