Delay mail merge until a specific column has been filled

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Note: This option is mostly for advanced users.

How does this delay option work?

If you have activated another script / add-on triggered upon a form submission, you might want this script to finish its work before beginning the mail merge.

Some examples are:

    • Wait until a specific calculation is made in one column based on the data entered by the user + some other variables

    • Wait until a file has been created so it can be attached to the email sent

In the configuration panel for notification rules, you can see a checkbox 'Wait until a specific column is filled before sending the email'. Check this box, select the appropriate column to control and save.

When the mail merge begins, if the value is missing in the column that you have selected, it will wait for 60s to let another process complete its task and then start the merge.

If for some reason the other process can't finish during those 60s, an error will be displayed but no mail will be send. Next time someone submit a form, it will try again on all rows tagged with an error.