Monitor your domain activity

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Why is it beneficial to my business?

If your domain benefits from the Enterprise+ license, you can check your domain activity through our web app:

Check your report

This reporting lets you to get an overview of the users activity from your domain, which can be relevant to track and control your business efficiency.

Besides, it also provides you useful information for appraising your domain performance, measuring your metrics and calculating your ROI.

Finally, with this domain report, you will be able to keep an eye on the usage of YAMM, and to make sure that your colleagues are using the add-on in the appropriate way.

What kind of information will I have access to?

Your Domain Activity Report includes:

  • A summary of your domain activity:

    • Total number of users from your Google Apps domain

    • Total number of emails sent since the first user has completed a mail merge

    • Total number of emails sent in the current month

    • A detailed report:

      • List of all these users

      • When they used YAMM for the last time

      • Number of emails sent since the beginning

      • Number of emails sent within the current month