Webinar Signup

Sure, the basics of Google Apps are easy. But to tap the full power of your new environment, it helps to learn some key concepts. The easiest way to do this? Sign up for an on-line webinar or training course today.

<<Get professional, customized training for your organization from one of our Google-referred training partners.>>

Why you might need training

Most new Google Apps users find that a modest amount of time spent training up front has huge payoffs in productivity down the line. If three or more of the following statements are true for you, chances are you could benefit from Google Apps training. <<Edit this list based on the training you offer.>>

Sign up for Google Apps Training today

Click a course for details and to sign up!

I like hands-on help when learning new software.

I typically use only basic software features, without changing settings or customizing anything.

I'm not familiar with using a Web browser.

I've never used a Web mail service before (such as Gmail or hotmail).

My inbox is a mess and I have trouble finding what I'm looking for in it.

I don't know what Gmail conversations are.

I currently have a lot of contacts and am not sure how they'll migrate to Google Apps.

I have years of emails stored in a lot of nested folders and rely on this organization to do my job.

I frequently archive older messages in separate files to provide room for new messages.

I've never used a Web mail service before (such as Gmail or hotmail).

I find messages by sorting sender names and looking in folders.

I frequently need to send or open email attachments.

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