Tips and Tricks

Gmail Tips & Tricks

Sort messages using Gmail search. Sort by recipient, date, subject, and more.

Other resources

Learn the ins and outs of replying and forwarding to messages within a conversation thread.

View conversations as individual messages in your Inbox. Just switch to Unthreaded view!

Gmail Search & Keyboard shortcuts

Keep this cheat sheet handy.

Explore Google Labs Enable offline mail, Gmail superstars, Undo send, and much more.

Become a Gmail Ninja

Zip around your Inbox to quickly read and reply to messages, without having to use the mouse!

Get even more tips on reading and managing your email.

Miss your nested folders? Nest your labels with this Gmail lab.

Does navigating Google Apps open too many browser windows? Here's how to open new browser tabs, instead.

Quickly add labels to messages, or move messages to labels, just by dragging.

Using Chrome? Drag and drop attachments directly to your messages, instead of having to upload them.

Drag images from your desktop directly to your message (also requires Chrome).