Aerobic Endurance Training- LSD OR Long Steady Runs,

Usually and preferably off road if possible, but can include hills, trails, parks, rivers, canals, footpaths, way-trails, farm trails, cross-country.

In other words softer underfoot is better, apart from when doing event specific marathon pace long runs.

It should be part of your weekly plan and at least three times a month, sometimes up to six times, depending on the stage of your training plan and which events your are eventually targeting.

Along with medium distance and pace runs, these are an essential part of training and progression, and the basis of building aerobic endurance so as to go in strongly to faster training sessions and races.

They can be easier recovery pace after a race or starting building distance and time on your feet.

Marathon Training Runs are done with a bit more structure and introducing and progressing event specific pace in stages for marathon training. N.B. There are a number of ways to do this, but it should not be overused.


So what essential training effect and physical gains do LSD runs give you.

Better running economy and efficiency

Increased mitochondria, multiplying your capillary system, improving your oxygen carrying capacity.

Increased glycogen storage, and increased fat utilization at race pace.

The benefits of long runs are not just obtained by simply accumulating "time on your feet."

Long, slow distance is often touted as the most effective way to train, but elite runners, have always known that would only prepare them to run a long way slowly, but that knowledge did not used to be widespread.

In my mind LSD is Long Steady Distance, and we realize that many of the physiological adaptations to long runs (e.g., increased glycogen storage, and increased fat utilization at race pace) are specific to your training pace.

With LSD (slow), your body does not gain the beneficial adaptations at speeds approaching race pace, necessary for racing fast..

LSD is great for novice runners whose goal is simply to finish a marathon, but more experienced runners should do their long runs at a variety of paces depending on the specific goal of the workout.

As I said before, easy runs over hills and trails, steady runs, marathon pace sections in runs, fartlek style reps during long runs, Marathon event specific race rehearsal mimicking race conditions and pace for a specific period. etc

The long runs should be of 90 minutes to 2 hours duration - longer for marathon runners - and at least once per week, and in some periods twice a week.

The key Lydiard principle of maintaining continuous pressure on your heart for long steady periods of aerobic activity builds a fantastic aerobic fitness base and it is aerobic fitness that is a key factor in the success of athletes in all events from 800m upwards.

Some people ask about the importance of these long runs for say 800m runners. Some athletes have even suggested that they are damaging, but there is no doubt that they are relevant as much now as they were in the past.

It was important part of training in the past for runners like Peter Snell, Seb Coe, Steve Ovett, Steve Cram and many, many more, and their regular long runs didn’t appear to have greatly reduced their ability at 800m never mind distance races.

I prefer these long runs done in a group, as that helps runners stay relaxed and enjoying them more, as they should be fun and sociable, as well great training, as I also like them to be run in nice scenic surroundings on soft surfaces and on hilly courses.

Hills help build strength and maintain the pressure on the heart without requiring the athletes to run faster. Hills also require athletes to vary the requirements of the key working muscles whether they are going up or down.

I like big challenging hills in the second half of long runs as I believe it helps an athlete develop efficient technique and rhythm running up these hills when they are already feeling tired.

The first 75 minutes of these long runs is to become sufficiently tired so as you are in a position to really affect your fitness in the last 15 to 45 minutes when glycogen stores are getting seriously depleted.

In any training programme, the first time an athlete is able to achieve a milestone builds confidence and I’ve often seen that when an athlete completes their first 90 min. run of a preparation, or their first 2 hour run, they soon notice a big step up in their aerobic fitness in the following weeks.

This increased aerobic fitness needs to be constantly monitored with regular 90 min+ runs throughout the year and I don’t believe that these long runs necessarily leave residual fatigue in athletes’ legs harming athletes going into important races.

I see many athletes run very well within a few days of a long run.

Any time I look at an athlete’s diary and I see regular long runs it usually translates into consistent form. In contrast, when I see big gaps from one long run to the next recorded in an athlete’s diary it often corresponds with a gradual decline in form.

Marathon Running

Marathon Training Runs are done with a bit more structure and introducing and progressing event specific pace in stages for marathon training. N.B. There are a number of ways to do this, but it should not be overused, otherwise you leave too much tiredness in your legs for race day, making you a little flat or you risk injury.

I prefer these on an empty stomach for greater fat utilisation training, but be well fed and hydrated the day before. By all means take water with you when hot. Ok you may suffer a little as you get used to this, but will benefit at the end of a race

But preferably for me, marathon pace towards the ends of runs.

Starting with the last third and progressing to the last half of the run in later weeks.

Marathon event specific race rehearsal mimicking race conditions and pace for a specific period, possibly do this in an 10 miles or Half Marathon Race 6 weeks out, but you can replicate it in a training run, as in the paragraph above.

As some people take longer to recover from races and so disrupt training, so a 10 miles race may be preferable and best 6 weeks out.

It is best to alternate the type of long runs, but depending on races planned as to how that works out, with one week time on your feet adding minutes to each run, up to approx 2h30m, but maybe longer for some, another weeks long run would have marathon pace in later stages.

I prefer these long runs done in a group, as that helps runners stay relaxed and enjoying them more, as they should be fun and sociable, as well great training, as I also like them to be run in nice scenic surroundings on soft surfaces and on hilly courses.

Hills help build strength and maintain the pressure on the heart without requiring the athletes to run faster every week. Hills also require athletes to vary the requirements of the key working muscles whether they are going up or down.

I will add more detail of actual variety of runs very soon.