Some Reasons and benefits to running

Simple and cheap. True compared to most other forms of exercise or sports,

Running is uncomplicated, easy to start and doesn’t cost much, while being one of the best ways of getting healthy and fit.

It need not be rocket science but there are basic and universal principles that will always be at the heart of an enjoyable running, that improves and develops you in so many ways.

To start you can put on a pair of trainers, shorts and Tshirt, then head out of your door, to where ever you want, this must easily be one of the cheapest forms of exercising.

Healthy and good for you physically. Regular running is probably the quickest way to get a good cardiovascular fitness.

Many studies have shown this to be true, along with the fact that it is so good for your heart, not only strength wise, but also reduces your resting heart rate.

You shed fat while toning your body, you feel more spring in your step and capable of doing what life presents to you, and you should feel satisfied that it is known that runners have fewer cardiovascular problems due to their healthier lifestyles.

Ok so running helps you to lose weight and tone muscles, while the more you develop your running, then the more weight you will lose, toning up and replacing fat with muscle.

Therefore you get fitter faster by running regularly and it feels so good too, you can feel an inner glow, satisfaction and contentment.

Mental health and stress relief. Running makes you feel good,

Not just physically but it also is good for reducing stress levels,

I love to go for a run to clear my mind of the days stresses, come back feeling rejuvenated, with my head clear and with many great ideas and solutions to problems sorted.

So therefore running sorts your mind out, helps you to be assertive and able to make decisions, it de-stresses and who knows, maybe you discover some inner qualities you didn’t know you had.

Environmentally friendly whilst enriching your environment.

Wouldn’t it be good to be environmentally friendly, get healthy at the same time and utilize running as a fantastic way to discover your local environment.

You would be surprised at what beautiful scenery is on your doorstep or within a short distance, whether town or country, on connecting footpaths, parks, along local brooks, streams, rivers, canals, corridors of countryside and all for the price of a pair of trainers!

A lot of people even run to and from work on a daily basis or walk to the shops, get out into a green space at weekends for a run or walk with family or friends.

Even if you live in the city or in a town, you can gain a better appreciation of your surroundings and the world you live in, just by going for a regular run.

Easy to access and easy to start. Running is so easy to learn.

Most people have run at some point in their life’s, so therefore it does not take too much to start and learn the basics.

Wherever you are in the world, in a city, town or in the countryside, it is nearly always possible to get out for a run, as running is one of the most flexible methods of training.

You can run easy, steady or fast and run for a short or long time, depending on how you feel that particular day and dependant on your level of fitness.

Running is accessible to all, as long as you are physically able, you can go for a run virtually anytime and anywhere, running today is enjoyed by the masses, primarily for the same reasons, and with no stigmas, gone are the days of people making excuses of tales of doom and gloom to excuse their lack of mental strength in starting exercise.

No barriers. So there are no barriers to running, what does this mean?

In terms of race, culture, sex, job status or religion there is nothing to stop you running and sharing the activity with anyone.

Running is for people of all ages, old or young, everyone can benefit from running, it is the big social mixer, no matter how talented you are.

Even if you never end up a super racer, it’s worth the training, you’ll emerge a winner in what ever level you ultimately choose, being fitter, stronger, more alert and more conditioned than you were before.

It is fact that running can be enjoyed by the novice, social or recreational runner, or just simply a means of keeping undesired weight off, even if you have no desire to race.

Finding your self. Ok so you didn’t know you were lost.

Most people progress and find inspiration, whilst developing and becoming more aspirational in their lives, often expressing a desire to go beyond other peoples perceived boundaries. Conquering records, limitations, or expectations, and wanting to prove that they can accomplish goals that are impossible for some others to achieve.

To me running is a mental and physical discipline far above the rest of sports or exercises, as runners as individuals acquire the ability to fight till the bitter end, against all odds and develop a great inner strength.

But more than anything, when fit, I think there are few greater feelings than to perceive that you are cruising along and in control, at one with the world and nature.

It's such an enjoyable and uplifting feeling, whether on your own or in a group, laughing and joking with friends.

Running is simple and follows basic principles whether you are a novice or elite, but you have to know how it is applied as an individual, so as to have the correct level of progression and improvement.

You can construct your personal plan, to give the level of improvement that your situation dictates and learn those principles to be able to apply them to your own life and running.

This knowledge and experience stays with you always, so always making your running lifestyle and development an enjoyable and healthy experience.

Dave Rodgers