Ethos and my thoughts on running

I run because I love to, I always have, I always will.

As a young boy of under 8, as soon as I was allowed out into the park and fields across the road from my house, I just ran and ran on my own, or played group games that involved running.

No one asked me to and no one made me run, I just had an inner desire to do it

Some of my earliest memories are of summer holidays as far back as when I was 6 years old, waking before everyone else to go out of the door and just run.

Running is one of the most natural things to do, with it being what our bodies were designed for and almost everybody has the ability to run, although there are factors which affect the way we run and the genetic or environmental induced talent we have for it.

Keep it simple and enjoyable

Genetics and the science behind the way our bodies work and respond to various exercise stimuli can show us what is needed to get the right training effect for various event distances and surfaces.

But we are all individuals and it's important to know that science doesn't really teach us how to train, it can explain why things happen, but you need more than that to come up with an effective training programme that suits you and your circumstance.

That is why we don't see a lot of Scientists as highly successful coaches.

In General, running knowledge comes before scientific knowledge.

My beliefs have been formed on fifty years experience of training, competing and coaching, while working alongside some of the finest and successful endurance coaches in the UK and some of the best athletes across a number of eras.

But running is not rocket science, although basic rules and principles have to be followed to carry it out safely and avoid or minimise injuries, the application, fine tuning and adaptation to circumstances and goals, are completely individual.

I believe that it is still very possible to take a bunch of local kids and show them the joys of running and socializing with their mates, in a safe, friendly, enjoyable environment, gradually train and develop them to maturity and onto competing on a National or World stage, with only a relatively small outlay.

It is also my belief that anyone can discover the best, most enjoyable and effective way for them to train, to achieve their realistic goals, what ever they may be.

Patience and not to expect a quick fix, whilst an endurance and conditioning base is built, is of paramount importance before you can get strong enough to be able to handle a move on to higher and more permanent levels of performance.

Enjoy the process and journey