Manchester XC League 2015 - 16

Post date: Mar 4, 2016 3:24:43 PM

Senior women:

Sale Harriers are the 2015/6 senior women League Champions and retain their title from last year Sale were also 1st overall ‘B’ and ‘C’ teams

Veteran Women:

They are top of their Division 1 for the first time ever. Also their ‘B’ team are 1st and the ‘C’ teams are 1st and 2nd.

Senior men:

Three match victories and one 2nd place clinched the league title for the men and their 5thconsecutive title. Their ‘B’ team was also 1st and the ‘C’, 'D' & 'E' teams were 1st, 2nd and 5th

Veteran men:

With the ‘A’ team’s strong win at Wythenshawe, they consolidated their final 3rd place in the Division 1 league

The ‘B’ team also finished 3rd in their Division, and there was also a complete ‘C’ and ‘D’ team.

Sale Harriers also several age-group winners Congratulations to individual winners U13 LARA CRAWFORDand U35 KATHY WELLAM; to 2nd place U11 ISABELLE BURKE and L40 HELEN ARMITAGE who was last year’s L35 winner and 3rd place M55 AIDAN RAFTERY who was 2nd last year