Molecular Spectroscopy Group Online Seminar Series - July 2020

We are proudly launching a programme of monthly online seminars, with national and international speakers selected from both established and early-career scientists. Our aim is that this programme will keep our molecular spectroscopy community linked together whilst face-to-face meetings are not happening. We look forward to seeing you there!

For our inaugural July seminar, on Tue 28th July 2020, 15:30 - 16:30 BST we welcome Prof Peter Gardner and Dr Howbeer Muhamad Ali

Prof Peter Gardner, Manchester Institute of Biology, University of Manchester

‘Full spectrum optical photothermal infrared with concomitant Raman spectroscopy: A new tool for single cell analysis’

‘Quantitative differentiation of isotopically labelled E.coli at single cell and community levels via multiple spectroscopy techniques’

Dr Howbeer Muhamad Ali, Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool

To register (for free) please follow the link: