EPR meeting

EPR Spectroscopy in Pharmaceutical Research and Development – One day seminar

This is the first pharmaceutical industry based seminar to showcase Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. If this is a spectroscopic technique you are not aware of, currently not fully utilizing or you just need to understand more about the its applications within pharmaceutical R&D then this is the seminar for you.

12th October 2011, hosted by AstraZeneca at Macclesfield, Cheshire in the Mill Court Visitors Dining Suite

Registration fee: £40

Closing Date for Registration: 14th September 2011

Registration via the RSC website: http://www.rsc.org/ConferencesAndEvents/conference/alldetails.cfm?evid=108413

(The Register Online link is down at the bottom of this web page)

A flier for the event, details of the program for the day and registration information is attached.

For further information please contact Helen.Williams@AstraZeneca.com.

Please see attachments below for the meeting program and associated flyer.