
Poster submission is now closed

There will be a poster session during the meeting. Poster abstracts should be submitted using the Word document poster template below for review by the organising committee. You will then be notified of acceptance for presentation at the meeting and your abstract will appear in the conference e-booklet.

A limited number of student bursaries were available for post-graduate students wishing to present a poster. See Registration page for details.

The deadline for poster abstract submission was 22nd March 2011. Abstracts submitted after this date may not appear in the conference e-booklet.

Poster abstracts should be emailed as completed Word document attachments to

Posters may be mounted from the start of the meeting and should be up to A1 size (84 x 60 cm) or A0 size (portrait only, 84 x 119 cm). Poster numbers indicating each poster location will be listed in the conference e-booklet.