Digital Citizenship

The following are resources for the Digital Citizenship elective, but are valuable resources for anyone even if you didn't participate in this elective!



Digital Footprint: - mindreader about and how to manage digital footprint

Discussion questions:

What is a digital footprint?

• Is it a negative or a positive thing to have? Why?

• Does everyone have a digital footprint?

How will you express yourself?

How will you protect your privacy?

How will you respect other people’s privacy?

Activity: Google yourself (or try a family member if nothing comes up). Can you find anything? How do you feel about that public digital footprint?

*Note: Not everything in one's digital footprint is publicly/easily available, but there are ways to access things even behind privacy settings.


Day 1: What is Digital Citizenship?

I'm Balanced

Review and discuss--Each student to pick a statement and reflect on if they feel secure in that identity. If so, why? If not, what would you need to do or to learn?

Media Balance video:

What are some types of media we use? (Generate a list as a class and define the word media)

Self assessment (complete over 24 hours, bring to class tomorrow)

Day 2:

I'm Balanced & I'm Alert

Review and reflect on media balance logs. Set goals for finding a healthy balance (especially since we're now online so much more!)

Safety: what do you think of when you hear the words "online safety"


  • If/Then scenarios discussion

  • Creating a strong password and other good habits

Private vs. personal information

  • Check your settings!

  • What should you share?

Google's Be Internet Awesome

  • play Tower of Treasure and Mindful Mountain (turn off your camera, but stay on Zoom. Also click the option in the bottom right corner of the game to change out of HD mode)

Homework: Log into an account (email, social media, gaming). Change your password to something more secure. Check your privacy settings and close it down so only chosen, real-life friends can see what you share.

Day 3:

-Upon log in, share in the chat which account you increased the security of

I'm Alert & I'm Informed

Digital footprint video Analyze the Digital Footprint

What do websites know about you? What information are you leaving behind?

COPPA and age requirements


What does your online presence say about you? Create a pretend social media profile. Name 5 people you would definitely choose to "friend." Write a pretend post.

Group 1: FJBN SKKR

Group 2: HSZFOF

Group 3: FSLNSF

Day 4:

Game Day!

First, log in to Seesaw and comment on someone else's post. Then go play the following games!

Google's Be Internet Awesome

  • play Tower of Treasure and Mindful Mountain (turn off your camera, but stay on Zoom. Also click the option in the bottom right corner of the game to change out of HD mode)


  • Play Password Protector and Share Jumper

Day 5:

Hoax websites and source evaluation--ESCAPE

Fact-Checking websites

Fact-Checking poster

Day 6:

Part 1: share out with the group about your website from last week:

I'm Engaged, I'm Alert, & I'm Inclusive

Cyberbullying, Upstanding, and Making the Internet a Kinder Place

The Power of Words: video and discussion

Cyberbullying slides:

Stage IV: digital drama:

Day 7:

I'm Engaged & I'm Inclusive: How to use the Internet to be an engaged citizen of the world (Roeper philosophy connection!)

Digital citizenship and online communities and discussion activity and discussion

Community Norms

I'm Engaged & I'm Alert

Reviewing school's policy and beginning to summarize/rewrite

Create Community Norms Pledges (agreements) for when we:





Day 8:

Sharing, Searching, and rules for borrowing and sharing

Share: agreements & if website was fake or not

Search like a boss


What surprised you? Let's learn more about those things!

Day 9:

Copyright & Fair Use

Fair(y) Use Tale

Reflection on each of the themes--what did you learn?

Create a personal digital citizenship pledge: How will you do the following?

  • Be safe --what will you do to keep yourself and others safe?

  • Be engaged -- how will you share online to make the world a better place?

  • Be informed -- how will you keep informed about the world and know if something is real or fake?

  • Be inclusive -- how will you be respectful of others?

  • Be balanced --how will you be balanced between media use and other things?

You can create your pledge as paragraphs, a poster, or any other creative and expressive project you can complete today. Send me a picture or the original of your finished work as your final assignment.