Codes Symbols Glyphs

Code-breaking games:

Solve the message


Enigma code breaker

Or...make some ambigrams! Here are some examples: Ambigram Yesterday/Tomorrow True/False Happy Birthday

Can you make one of your name? Or of another word? Carmen will work with anyone who wants to figure these out!

Fingerspelling tutor - Using this website, practice fingerspelling the alphabet. Figure out how to say "Roeper" and your name.

Sign language-first 100 signs - Using this website and/or the sign language books, learn several different words for things you like.

Create a sign for your name combining the sign for something you like with the sign for the first letter in your name.

Teach a friend some words in sign language. Can you talk to each other? What do you notice?

March 25, 27, 31 and April 2, 4: Glyphs/ancient writing systems (Egyptian, Cuneiform, Phoenician, Greek, Roman). Rebuses, symbols, pictograms

Disney-Rosetta Stone


Translate Your Name into Hieroglyphics


BBC-Hieroglyphs video


Cuneiform writing video

Ancient Egyptian Dictionary part 1

Ancient Egyptian Dictionary part 2

April 15, 17: Codes (Morse, Caesar Cipher, Cipher Wheel, Scytale)

Other Enigma Machine video

April 22, 24: Creating our own codes

April 28, 30: Braille & American Sign Language

May 2: Ambigrams

Feb. 5 - What are symbols?

Pictographic symbols

In your notebooks:

    • Draw as many pictographic symbols as you can think of that you see every day.
    • Share with a friend--does your friend know what these symbols mean? (Examples: symbols in public buildings, company logos, computer icons, religious or national symbols, math symbols)
    • What new pictographic symbols can you create to represent things you see around you?
    • Write a message using only pictograms. Share with a friend and see if they can understand your message.

Share: Pictograms vs. alphabet? What did you come up with?

Feb. 7 - What are glyphs?

The Story of How We Got Our Alphabets (BBC)

Evolution of the Roman Alphabet

Earliest glyphs came from which culture?

Research a letter using World Book Kids. Create a short report. What culture can you trace it back to? What was the original name of the letter? What did that name mean?


Examples: Carmen Library Read

In your notebooks, begin sketching an ambigram for your name or another word that is important to you.

Feb 11, 13, 15 : Ancient Writing Systems

Feb 26, 28; March 4, 6, 8 : Codes, Ciphers, and Secret Messages