Homelessness Resources
Student Homelessness Hits Record High
Student Homelessness Hits Another Record High
What Causes Homelessness? (This has 5 different sections that different students could explore)
And/or go to Log in with your (future) Roeper email address and the password roeper. Under your Assignments, you will see a variety of articles related to homelessness to choose from.
While reading, your job is to take notes about causes and roots of homelessness. Based on the article or articles you read, what are reasons that people experiences homelessness? Remember to include important information (how, where, why, when), use "robot talk" that includes enough words that your brain can make sense of it later.
Include where you got your information by writing down the title of the article, the author of the article, and the website it came from (either Newsela, Kids Info Bits, or National Alliance to End Homelessness).