the monkey king

ones there was a monkey. he had come out of the mountain of fruits and flowers. when the pack of monkeys got to a water fall, one of them said ,"who ever crosses this shall be are king". our monkey jumped right over it and found a special cave to heaven. the monkeys where happy for 300 years. one day the monkey king started to cry.

why are you crying? asked a long tailed monkey .the monkey king replied"i am crying because one day i know i will die" the monkey thought for a while and then said" gods don't die, ask one of them".the monkey king went to learn magic.

all the students where jealous of him so eventually and so asked him to leave so he did, jumping on a cloud.

when he got home, he discovered that a demon was eating all the monkey babies, so he had to go and fight him. He used magic to make hundreds of little monkeys to attack him. And took his sword and cut him in half.

He wanted a new weapon, so he went off to the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea, who had a treasure room full of awesome weapons. He looked at everything in the room and decided it was either too shiny, too dull, or something like that. Then the dragon queen said to show him the golden staff. The Monkey King liked the rod, so he grabbed it and told it to be shorter, so it did.

The Monkey King demanded for the Dragon King to get him some clothes. The Dragon King got him a suit of gold, a feather cap, and cloud walking shoes.

The Monkey King returned home and as he did he fell into a deep sleep. In his dream he saw two men from the King of Darkness. "It's time for you to die!" they told the Monkey King. The Monkey King demanded to see the Book of Life. He saw his name and crossed it out. Then he said that he was going to live forever!

The Dragon King and the King of Darkness went to the awesome Jade Emperor. They told him that the Monkey King is a bully and that he needs to be punished. The Jade King decided to invite him to Heaven so he could keep an eye on him. The Monkey King was in charge of the heavenly horses. But he was angry because it was not an important job.

So he let the horses run wild. The Jade Emperor decided to give the Monkey King a new job. He was to look over the peach garden. The peaches were very special. If you ate one, you could live forever. The Monkey King was okay with his new job, until he was not invited to the Peach Feast. He decided to eat all the peaches. He decided to drink all the wine, too. He also took Laozi's special pills. The pills made you live forever! He jumped in the clouds and went home.

The Jade Emperor was very mad. He decided to capture the Monkey King. He sent a bunch of warriors to capture the Monkey King. They fought and kept fighting, and even more fighting.

The Monkey King was very sneaky. He turned into a beautiful bird, then a fish, and then a snake. Finally, he was caught and put in Laozi's cooking pot. After a long time, Laozi opened the lid.

The Monkey King jumped out like a jester. "Ha ha!" he yelled. "Nothing can stop me!" The Jade Emperor asked the Buddha for help. They made a plan. The Monkey King told the Buddha that he wanted to be the emperor of Heaven. Buddha said, "If you can somersault out of my hand, so it shall be." So he did.

He saw five red pillars. He said, "This must be the end of the world." So he wrote his name on one of the pillars. "I went to the end of the world!" the Monkey King said.

The Buddha laughed hysterically. Then he said, "Look at my hands." There was the Monkey King sign.

He actually had never left Buddha's hands. Buddha put him under a mountain and the Monkey King was set free hundreds of years later, to go on more adventures.

The end!