Creative Commons

Creative Commons is an alternative to traditional copyright. Instead of the creator reserving "all rights" to their creation, they choose to let other people use their work. You still have to cite Creative Commons works, but you do not have to get the permission of the creator to use the work. Here's a comic to help explain the different types of Creative Commons licenses and what they mean for you.


Ready to find some Creative Commons pictures for your next assignment or your personal blog? Try these image banks:

Looking for Creative Commons music clips: Try searching these sites:

Remember that there are different types of Creative Commons licenses, so make sure you are follow the rules of the Creative Commons license when you use someone elses's image or music clip.

If it says no derivatives, don't change it!

If it says non-commercial, don't sell it or use it to help you make money!

If it says share-alike, you have to license your work under the same Creative Commons license the image/music is under!