[Italy] RoboCup@Home Education Challenge @ EURCJ 2018

RoboCup@Home Education Challenge

Workshop & Competition

EURCJ 2018

Home | Schedule | Workshop | Competition | Registration

[Date] May 29 (Tue) ~ June 01 (Fri), 2018

[Venue] Centro Congressi, Montesilvano, Italy

[Web] http://www.robocupjunior.eu/

[Rules] [Italy] RoboCup@Home Education Challenge @ EURCJ 2018


- Luca Iocchi (Sapienza University of Rome)

- Paola Ferrarelli (Sapienza University of Rome)

- Jeffrey Too Chuan Tan (Nankai University)

The European RoboCupJunior Championship (EURCJ) is a new super-regional RoboCup event that has the objective of organizing RoboCupJunior competition at European level. EURCJ 2018 is the first edition of EURCJ and is organized by the Italian RoboCupJunior Regional Committee and by the Italian RoboCup Regional Committee, in collaboration with other European RoboCupJunior regional committees.

RoboCup@Home Education is an educational initiative that promotes educational efforts to boost RoboCup@Home participation and service robot development. RoboCup@Home Education takes inspiration from @Home tasks and aims at forming teams that may become @Home teams in the future. This education initiative plays the role to bridge between Major @Home league and RoboCupJunior, providing an educational platform to let Junior teams to participate and gain experience, in order to prepare themselves for the step up @Home league.

With this inspiring motivation, we are honored to host the RoboCup@Home Education Challenge in the European RoboCupJunior Championship (EURCJ) 2018 on this coming May 2018 for the participation from European community. The Education Challenge will be conducted in a Workshop+Competition format to encourage totally inexperienced but interested participants to learn how to build the robot in the workshop and take part in the competition.

Final Schedule

5/29 (Tue)

- AM Team setup, software/hardware configration

- PM Workshop 1 Navigation

5/30 (Wed)

- AM Competition Task: Help-me-carry

- PM Workshop 2 Speech, Vision

5/31 (Thu)

- AM Competition Task: Speech and Person Recognition

- PM Workshop 3 Arm, System Integration

6/1 (Fri)

- AM Competition Task: Finals/Restaurant

***AM 09:00~12:00; PM 13:00~18:00


Workshop Contents

We will conduct hands-on workshop to guide the participants to build the robot for the competition. Prior experience in robot building is not required. However, some basic programming skill is needed. You can refer to our online resources to get some ideas on the contents of the workshop

Robot Hardware

Robots for RoboCup@Home Education should be low-cost platforms equipped with low-cost sensors. Two platforms are suggested:

For teams interested in using MARRtino platform, you can bring MARRtino spare parts (as listed in the web site) and we will assist you with building the robot during the workshop, so you will get back home with a fully working robot.

To facilitate totally inexperienced participants to join the event and lower participation costs, teams without robot will be allowed as well. We will provide basic robot platforms, sensors and software for beginner teams to work for the workshop development and competition.

PC and Software

For using MARRtino platform, please refer to https://sites.google.com/dis.uniroma1.it/marrtino/software. Best way to start with it (specially if you do not have a robot) is to play with the Virtual Machine you can download from the web site, that contains all the software already installed.

A VirtualBox Virtual Machine with software installed for EURCJ2018 @HomeEducation is available: MARRtino_v1.8.0.ova (5 GB) - Install with Virtual Box (including VirtualBox Extensions).

For teams interested in learning TurtleBot2 platform, you are required to prepare own computing device (laptop PC) for the robot. Please prepare at least one laptop PC per team.

- Minimum requirements: 2 USB ports (or with USB hub), built-in microphone and speaker (better with external)

- PC environment: Linux Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (Trusty Tahr)

EURCJ2018 @HomeEducation is partially supported by MathWorks.

MATLAB support is available for both the platforms.

- Download, install and activate MATLAB R2018a (complimentary software license by MathWorks)

*** 1. Check System Requirements for MATLAB R2018a. https://www.mathworks.com/support/sysreq.html

*** 2. Go to the RoboCup support page and request a complimentary software license. This should be started soon so things are ready. The steps to install and activate MATLAB will be emailed to you once the license is approved, and each team member should use the same information. https://www.mathworks.com/academia/student-competitions/robocup.html


Based on the official RoboCup@Home rulebook of 2018, 4 tests are selected as follows:

  1. Speech and Person Recognition
  2. Help-me-carry
  3. Restaurant
  4. Finals

Detailed rules: [Italy] Rules @ EURCJ 2018


1. Intention of Participation due: May 10, 2018

2. Registration due: May 15, 2018

Step 1 - Intention of Participation

Fill in and submit the online Intention of Participation form below (each per team). If you have any difficulty to submit on-line, please contact oc@robocupathomeedu.org

Intention of Participation form: https://goo.gl/forms/oPmjpmZnYri4Pxsj1

Step 2 - Registration

The OC will review your entry and response by email after you have submitted the online form in Step 1. Complete the registration procedure according to the instruction in the email.

Registration must be completed by following instructions in this page http://www.robocupjunior.eu/participants/ and in particular by submitting the Reservation Sheet (possibly including also accommodation requests).

Home | Schedule | Workshop | Competition | Registration

RoboCup@Home Education | Inquiry: oc@robocupathomeedu.org