Problem Resolution & Weingarten Rights

Your Weingarten Rights enable you to request a union representative (such as a building rep) attend any meeting with you if you believe discipline or other adverse consequences may result from that meeting.

The union representative will listen and take notes to confirm the accuracy of any statements.

Please note that management is NOT required to inform the employee of his/her Weingarten right. It is the employee’s responsibility to know and invoke that right.

Protect yourself by asking about the purpose of the meeting before meeting with any administrator.

Contact your building representative regarding:

  • REA/RSD negotiated agreement(s);
  • Building working conditions;
  • Administration observation(s) and review(s);
  • Administration requests and expectations;
  • Representation in administrator meetings; and/or
  • Current bargaining negotiations.

You can also contact REA using the Contact Us page on this website.
