Students are the Big Winners in Funding Decision

Post date: Jan 8, 2012 10:10:29 PM

Olympia, WA: Thursday, January 5, 2012 The Washington Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the State is not meeting its constitutional obligation to “amply fund” public education. The Court also made it clear that funding public education is the State's highest priority and the State Legislature cannot delay or sidestep these responsibilities any longer.

The 85-page opinion also said that the judiciary would keep an eye on lawmakers to make sure they fully implement education reforms by 2018.

“The court cannot idly stand by as the Legislature makes unfulfilled promises for reform,” Justice Debra Stephens wrote in the majority opinion.

This is a big win for Washington students and schools!

For nearly a decade, WEA and its partners in the Network for Excellence in Washington Schools (NEWS) have been arguing that public education in our state is woefully underfunded. Our students and schools can no longer bear the impact of further funding cuts. Today, the state Supreme Court agreed.

Now the responsibility for taking action and correcting this injustice to our students is where it belongs: with the State Legislature. The Legislature can no longer impede full funding for public education. The Supreme Court has made it clear: No more excuses; no more delays!

Lawmakers convene Jan. 9 for a 60-day Legislative session.

Contact your legislators today to explain how further cuts will affect you and your students.

Call 1-800-562-6000, or send an email from your home computer by going to