Executive Board

If you would like to contact the Executive Board, please use the information on the Contact Us page. You may also contact them directly through RSD email.

President- Krista Calvin 2022-2024


Vice President - Jeri Morrow 2022-2024


 Chief Jo Middle School

Recorder-Rebecca Peterson 2021-23

Jefferson Elementary

Elementary #1 - Susanne Diaz 2021-23

Marcus Whitman

Elementary #2-  Grant Harris 2022-2024

White Bluffs

Elementary #3-Heather Hadler 2022-2024

Jefferson Elementary

Middle School #1- Malini Marshall 2021-2023

Carmichael Middle School

Middle School #2- Ann Fraser 2022-2024

Enterprise Middle School 

High School #1- Sara Flores- Anderson - 2021-2023

Hanford High School 

High School #2- Marcie Rader- 2022-2024

Richland High School 

Itinerant -

Danielle Harvey- 2021-2023