
The pike is an aquatic predator par excellence and they are common at the west end of Loch Rannoch. There they prey upon trout and the different morphs of charr, perch and perhaps the occasional salmon. They are also found in Dunalastair Water and Errochty Reservoir.

Pike spend a lot of time almost motionless and then rush at their prey. They have a surprising array of prey beyond fish and have been known to eat small mammals, birds and leeches. Ducklings and young moorhens or coots are at risk from pike coming at them from below when they are swimming.

They were fished (netted) for eating at the Loch Rannoch Hotel in the past although they are very boney and that must make their consumption difficult. I have been served pike pâté by a venerable gentleman who resides at Bridge of Gaur.

They are very streamlined fish which makes them hydrodynamic and exceptionally fast. They are not against cannibalism should the need and opportunity arise.

Creative Commons - credit Georg Mittenecker