
Phalacrocorax carbo


We think of the cormorant as a bird of the sea but they are now often seen on the river Tummel and on Loch Rannoch. One flew across the bridge in Kinloch Rannoch recently and they can be seen perched on trees close to a Loch Rannoch with their wings spread to dry them. Whilst cycling on the Foss road next to Loch Tummel a flock of about thirty cormorants flew overhead. They made a sinister sight, black against a grey sky. There is something primitive about the look of a cormorant. They are not very popular with fishermen as they feed exclusively on fish.

The rather similar looking bird, the Shag does not come inland and is distinguishable by lacking the pale patch under the chin. The Shag has startlingly green eyes.

Creative Commons - credit JJ Harrison