Young Ramanujadasas World

|| Srimathe Ramanujaya Namah ||

About Us

Ramanujadasas world started as a Summer Camp of June 2014 with eager youngsters of varying ages from 5 to 16.

A group of eager young Ramanuja dasas joined together every evening and spent an hour talking and learning about Sri Ramanuja Sampradayam.

We have been able to have an introductory lessons on the 12 Azhwars and Acharyas.

We hope to stay together for long while with Sri Ramanuja acharya's blessing to continue this Satsang.

Dasas means servant.

Ramanuja Dasa means servants of Sri Ramanujacharya.

We are the proud and lucky dasas and dasis of Sri Ramanuja

Our Teacher

|| Sri Ramanujacharya ||

Shri Ramanujar pics 2.jpg

It has a been almost a thousand years since Ramanuja (ca. 1017-1137) wandered the roads of southern India, yet his great story as a teacher and philosopher remains alive. As a very prominent saint he is known by many namessuch as Sri Ramanujacharya (his birth name), Udayavar, Yatiraja, Emberumannar, and Lakshmana muni. His many followers consider him to be a saint and one of the greatest teachers of Vishishtadvaita Vedanta.

Sri Ramanuja's lifespan was for 120 years. During this time he established an easy path for us to obtain moksha or reach the lotus feet of Sriman Narayana. How you might ask? During his lifetime he wrote many works on Vaishnavism or Vishishtadvaita Vedanta. His main philosophical writings was Shri Bhashya or the Brahma Sutra Bhasya. He proved to people that this sampradaya is the only one and true to reach Him. Sri Ramanuja's earlier avataram are: Adishesha, Lakshmana, and Balarama.

Swami Ramanuja incorporated the teachings of five different people whom he considered to be his Acharyas.

  1. Peria Nambigal: who performed his samasrayanam
  2. Thirukkotiyur Nambigal : who revealed the meaning of charama slokam to swami only after 18th attempts or trips
  3. Thirumalai Nambigal : Ramayana
  4. Tirumalai Aandaan : Bhagavad Vishayam
  5. Thirukachchi Nambigal : The 6 sentences or PErarulAlan

|| Sri Selvaraj Thatha ||

Sri Selvaraj swamy is our uncle who is taking us on this journey of Sri Ramanuja Sampradayam through the pages of Ramanujadasas world. He is from Chennai and has been in the Georgia area for many years. When we meet he is always telling us Sri Vaishnava stories to entertain. He has created a passion in us when he first made us act in a play on Kurathazhwan. His wife Chandrika aunty is a great cook who keeps us always full with wonderful delicacies. We got the opportunity to spend the early part of the summer with his children Ethindra and Vishnu We had great fun trekking all over the hills of Melkote, India.Selvaraj uncle starts his day by reciting shlokas to Sri Ramanujacharya.

Most importantly he never forgets to offer any food he eats to the lord first.

We are so glad to be part of this satsang.

.... Shruti & Vedha, Suwanee, GA

Our Goals

We want to learn about Sri Ramanujacharya, our teacher

We want to understand the basis and basics of Sri Vaishnavam

We want to learn how to lead a life of a Sri Vaishnava in this world full of distractions

We want to be part of our culture, practice and heritage

We want to learn Shlokas and Prabandams

We want to know the stories of our great teachers and great Sri Vaishnavas

...Young Ramanujadasas

Our Links : Prabhandham Files
