
andal telugu movieBEFORE GETTING MARRIED

Vishnuchita (also known as perialwar) went to his tulsi garden to make a garland for Perumal.There was a little baby girl in the garden! Vishnuchita was very astonished

to see this. ( Sita was born from the earth and she was born from the earth so she is

considered to be bhu devi's incarination.) He asked all the houses nearby if it was there baby.No one claimed her so he kept her himself . He named her Kodhai (or also known as Goda )Vishnuchitha raised Goda's with stories of krishna. Goda's

love and devotion for krishna grew more and more everyday. Hence she got the

name Andal which means the "girl who ruled over the lord." Andal grew up and soon

enough she was the age to get married and Vishnuchita asked"Andal, who do you

want to marry?" Andal replied "Father I don't want get married. If I do then I will

marry only perumal." Vishnuchita was so surprised and told her daughter that

she cannot marry the great Sri Ranganatha Because were not cestial beings.

One day she saw a basket full of garlands. She didn't know those garlands were for

perumal and she tried them on and saw if she was good enough to marry

perumal. One day Vishnuchita saw a hair in the basket of garlands! He got very

upset and found out that she was wearing the garlands! Vishnuchita told Andal not

to do this and he made new garlands for Perumal . When he offered them to

Sri Raganathar they fell of ! Vishnuchita got worried and was thinking of that the whole day. That night perumal came into his dreams and said "Vishnuchita I want only garlands that Andal wears." The next day Vishnuchita had told Goda about the dream and told her to wear the garlands everyday. One day she started thinking that she was a gopika and she started writing what is now called Tirrupavai. After that Permal married andal in front of Vishnuchita, They vanished and went to Paramapadam.