

4203 BCE Thirukadalmallai

Month Nakshatra




Kaumodakee (conch)


Irandam Thiruvandhadhi

The Story of Bhoothathazhwar

Bhoothathzhwar was born in 4203 BCE in Thirukadalmallai also known as Mahaballipuram. He was the second of the twelve azhwars. Bhoothathazhwar was deeply devoted to to Lord Srimanarayana. Not much is exactly known about Bhoothathazhwar's early life but the way that Bhoothatazhwar met the other two azhwars, Pogai azhwar and Peyazhwar, is due to the .of Lord.One day there was a huge storm with heavy rains everywhere and the wind was blowing very strongly. All the azhwars were at the same area and were seeking shelter. First Pogai azhwar comes to a hut and the man says that there is place for three people. Next Bhoothathazhwar is comes to the same hut and he enters. Finally, Pey Azhwar also comes to the same hut. All of them are standing quietly next to each other not talking. Perumal wants these people to meet each other and talk so that they can spread the message about Sri Vaishnavism. So Perumal pushes all the azhwars against each other. Now all the azhwars start questioning who pushed who. PogaiAzhwar sings a mantra to bring light into the dark hut. Soon all the azhwars realize that it was Lord Srimanarayana who made this occur.

This is how the first three azhwars meet each other.

  • Pogai Azhwar
  • Bhoothathazhwar
  • Pey Azhwar

ii Jai Srimanarayana ii