Thirumazhisai azhvar

Thirumazhisai azhvar - Azhvar's Birthplace



One day the great sage Bhargava and his wife Kanakangi gave birth to baby for

an unsual period of twelve months. This baby had no limbs so they abandoned the baby in a cane field. Then after that they left Sri devi and Bhu devi blessed him then the lord srimannarayana zxaaazhimself blessed him with limbs. He was the amsa of the lords sudarshana chakra. Then one day a forest couple came and saw the beautiful baby abandoned so they ttok him home. the couple gave the baby would not even touch the milk.This went on for several days.

One day a farmer couple come to see this

miracle.They came with some milk. It drank the milk and gave them the same!They drank the milk and soon enough they gave birth to a boy. They named him

Kanikannan.He grew up to be a diciple of thirumazhisai azhvar. Thirumazhisai azhvar tried different religons like Buddhism,Jainism,and then he started to become a great devotee of Saivism. One day as Thirumazhisai azhvar was in meditation,Pei azhvar came to know of this.Since he was in deep meditation Pei azhvar decided do a task to get his attention. In front of Thiumazhisai azhvar he started planting trees with the rootsKanikannan.He grew up to be a diciple of thirumazhisai azhvar. Thirumazhisai azhvar tried different religons like Buddhism,Jainism,and then he started to become a great devotee of Saivism. One day as Thirumazhisai azhvar was in meditation,Pei azhvar came to know of this.Since he was in deep meditation Pei azhvar decided do a task to get his attention. In front of Thiumazhisai azhvar he started planting trees with the roots on the top and watered the on the top and watered the plants with a pot that has holes in them. Thirumazhisai azhvar came out of his meditation and he asked Pei azhvar ,"Oh swami, why are you watering the plants upside down?" Then Pei azvar replied "You have understand everything upside down!" Then he realized his mistake and then he turnud into a sri vaishnava.