
ii Jai Srimanarayanaii






3075 BC


Perumal Thirumozhi, 105 verses


The Story Of Kulasekharazhvar

A long time ago in the kingdom of Thiruvanchkkulam a baby boy by the name Kulasekhara . This boy was the amsa of Lord Srimanarayana's kaustabam which is a gem that adorns the Perumal. Froma a young age the boy mastered all the talents a prince would need to learn from scriptures to archery. Soon he was crowned the king of this city and all the inhabitants were thrilled with the idea of Kulesekhara as their leader. Soon Kulesekhara was married to a beutiful princess. They had two children, one boy and one son. Once when Kulesekhara was sleeping he had a dream in which Lord Venketeswara appeared. The Lord told him to realize his purpose in life. This experiance opened up King Kulesekhara's eyes. Soon he begain calling scholars to his kingdom and donating his wealth off to charities. The king became a huge devotee of Rama and listened to his stories all day long. One story talked about Rama battling demons after the Soorpanaka incident. This disturbed King Kulesekhara very much so without hesitation he ordered his generals to keep his army ready as they have to help Sri Rama. All the ministers were astounded by the utmost devotion expresses by the king. The scholor tried to make the king understand that Rama had already won the battle. That is an example of the devotion expressed by Kulesekharazhwar.

Punar Poosam (Punarvasu)