

A few things about Nammazhvar

The story of Nammazhvar

aThe story of Nammazhvr

One day a childless couple named Kari and UdayaNangai went to a temple because they had not seen perumal in years so they went to see Kurungudi Nambi perumal. They asked ''may we be blessed with a son like a son like you''.Then Kurungudi Nambi said ''These couple should be blessed with avatar myself''.Said Kurungudi Nambi.And so he turned in to a human form.So then the couple went to their house in Thiruk Kurugur (Azhvar Thirungari) and gave birth to a boy born in the month, Vaigaasi,

Natchram ,Vishaaka .The boy was unusunal from birth,he did not drink milk or eat any food.Kari and UdayaNangai were concern about the baby so they named him Maaran. They did not know the the divine nature of the baby.Maaran took away the envelope of air (clear the knowledge from the last birth) Maaran was none other then Satagopan the divine feet of all perumal's in every temple. Maaran was also a amsa of Viswskana who is also third in line in the acharya parmapadam.The worried couple to the temple (Adi Natha) in Thirukurugur (Polindhu Nindra perumal) to seek blessings for the baby's strange condition. When they went inside the temple they placed Maaran in a cradle.Then he placed foot at the tamarind tree!The tree was unique in it's one way!It had leaves which did not close at night and fruit which did not ripen.This tree can been seen at azhvar thirunagari.This tree is an amsa of sri adi sesha and now in form of maaran.Then Maaran asumed a yogic pose and began meditating for many years.Kari and Udaya Nangai realised that Maaran is not an ordinary child.